You can tell the level of comfort and prosperity of a society by looking at how petty the problems are that consume it.
It’s an inverse relationship.
People will pull together and forget their petty problems when their very existence is threatened but the more comfortable they are the more petty and contrived the “major problems” of that society become.
Who will they find to fight their battles for them in a civil war? The only thing I can think of is if they find the ability to rationalize hiring mercenaries to fight their battles for them?
They will be content with chaos. There will be sufficient number of arsonists and bomb throwers on their side to ensure that all is left is ashes. That is virtually what they want. They see themselves as then able to climb to the top of the heap and declare that socialism is needed.
They will be counting on the US military to do the fighting for the most part.
Most of our native born leftists are pretty tame and always expect the gov’t to do their bidding.
The truly dangerous though are those coming to the US from other countries where they have been part of the fight for years or even decades.
Look back to the turmoil of the 60’s-late 80’s with the communist/socialist revolutions in our own hemisphere and compare them to the leftwing movements in the US.
Those south of us were brutal and bloody as hell where for the most part here in the US mostly they got drunk and or high, protested on campuses and occasionally marched in the streets demanding “change” but weren’t willing to put anything on the line to get it.
Look back to our own revolution where initially we only had about 10-15% of the population supporting independence and only a fraction of them who were willing to actually take up arms and/or risk being hung for treason.
Until the war landed on their own doorsteps most were passively neutral in reality no matter what they felt until they stood to lose their lives and/or property.
If anything there’s a much greater tendency of those on the conservative side in this country to be willing to take up arms and fight as is reflected in military enlistment figures from the red vs blue areas of the country.
Typically around 2/3 of volunteers come from red vs blue areas and about 70% of those serving at any given time will self identify as right of center politically.
That goes along with what I was saying about the American left being physical cowards. In the US the seedbed of modern leftism is academia - college campuses. These are/were pampered college kids who want the state to protect them from all things and are willing to sell their souls for it. They are not the kind of people who are willing engage in a shooting war.
I really doubt we’ll see a civil war. Any revolt, even if the Dems held all three branches, would be squelched by the military. We are not (yet) a third world shithole, the military would not turn on decent Americans. One percent of the populace is in the military at any given time, but they are to the right of center- at least. The claims of a revolution right around the corner are made by kids on social media who in real life are afraid to pick up a dead mouse.
Taking up arms? Don’t make me laugh - imagine even a hundred member mob with AK’s - a single run of an A-10 or an Apache would end them very quickly. The cities might burn, but the rest of the nation would be fine.
Civil war, no. What’s more likely is the hard left (or more accurately the ‘deep state’) taking control of the government again and civil unrest as a result of their continued lawlessness. It’s what the government has been actively preparing for by stockpiling ammunition and commencing mock drills where they are doing exactly what you just suggested against civilian crowds. Insurrection and rebellion will not be tolerated. Your faith in the military not being turned against the populace may be misplaced as well. They will after all follow orders especially if the government, their employer, is in jeapordy.
As I posted before, any real civil war will follow the same format as the 1861 Civil War.
A loon being elected president and Red states seceding from the Union. Would a fool like Cortez send troops into Texas to counter a secession? Would the military comply if she did?
I don’t know.
Small, dedicated groups equipped almost exclusively with small arms have managed to defeat two super powers and quite a few well established gov’ts with strong militarizes over the last century.
The most obvious recent examples are Afghanistan and Vietnam.
You don’t have to ever win a stand up fight in order to defeat the most powerful of gov’ts.
If anything similar to the division of the Union prior to the outbreak of the US civil war happened again we’d see the same thing happening again which would be a splitting of the US military again.
Nobody would want to go to war leading men with divided or questionable loyalties so those that didn’t support the cause of whatever remains of the Union would have to be released from duty and sent home, interned for the duration, or executed.
Even at that you wouldn’t be able to root them all out so your forces would be undermined from within just like we’ve seen throughout history in similar rebellions.
I agree 100% with that. We are more prosperous than we’ve ever been and look at us. Revolutions are usually started by rich kids and their professors; everybody else is working.