Victor Davis Hanson Nails it in this article! Basically it sums up exactly what is going on with the discourse of the country and calls out the double standard being practice by people of the left and its supporters, especially as it pertains to China, which is central to every anti Trump supporter and the issues the they claim to care about, yet are perfectly happy to lick the boots of a communist foreign country such as China. The article suggests if it continues to go unchallenged we in the west will become politically repressed and just like China. This is an excellent read, and I certainly couldn’t do it justice with a synopsis, so don’t take my word for it!
Excerpts from the article:
"Far from a newly rich China becoming Westernized politically, the West and the rest of the world are more likely to become politically repressive like China.
Westerners, who apologize when Islamists kill cartoonists and journalists for supposedly insulting Islam, do not say a word when China puts a million Muslims into re-education camps, bulldozes Islamic cemeteries, and shuts down mosques.
Loud human-rights lions in Europe turn into kittens when it is a question of Chinese organ-harvesting, forced abortions and sterilizations, and the jailing and execution of dissidents.
American environmentalists demand a radical shutdown of the current fossil-fuel-based U.S. economy. They say little about greenhouse-gas emissions from China, the biggest polluter in the world by far.
Outspoken NBA athletes and hip Hollywood celebrities damn the Second Amendment, curse their president, and boycott states they find politically incorrect. But they become abject cowards when it comes to China.
Loud college students who disrupt campus speakers and forbid free speech never say a word about the horrendous human-rights record of China. They ignore strident Chinese expatriate student supporters on campus.
College deans who weigh in on global morality say nothing about Chinese gulags or crackdowns against Hong Kong."