INSANE Adam Schiff Says if Trump Isn’t Removed From Office He Could Offer Alaska to Russians in Exchange For Support in the Next Election


President Trump broke Adam Schiff.

This may be Schiff’s most insane rant ever.

Impeachment manager Adam Schiff said Monday in his closing argument that if Trump is not removed from office he may offer Alaska to the Russians in exchange for help in the next election.

Schiff also said that Trump may escape to Mar-a-Lago permanently and let his son-in-law Jared Kushner run the country.

Schiff needs to be mentally evaluated after this impeachment charade is over.

“Trump could offer Alaska to the Russians in exchange for support in the next election or decide to move to Mar-a-Lago permanently and let Jared Kushner run the country, delegating to him the decision whether they go to war,” Schiff said as he argued for Trump’s removal.

GOP senators on Friday voted 51-49 to block additional witnesses in the impeachment trial.

Murkowski put the final nail in the coffin when she announced she would not be voting in favor of new witnesses.

The senate will cast the final vote on Wednesday to acquit President Trump.

Hillary Clinton sold 20% of US Uranium to Russia in exchange for $150 million to the Clinton Foundation.

If anyone sold the US out to Russia, Ukraine, Iran, China and other foreign countries, it was the Clintons, the Bidens, Obama and other dirty Democrats.

This guy is a total nutjob. I’ve stopped following any of this impeachment crap. What’s the point in wasting my time when it’s all going to go away anyway. Adam Schiff knows he’s finished and that the American people aren’t buying the crap that he selling. He has zero credibility with any serious and rational thinking person.

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It appears to me that removing Adam Schiff from office will solve a lot more problems than the ones he has been creating!

It’s amazing the stuff that these people can say from that podium. Straight up lies without any consequences. If this were an actual court of law someone lying that much would be convicted of perjury. Not in our Congress though.

Those amphetamines are really getting to him.

Trump is probably less obsessed with Russia than anyone else in Washington? :laughing:

We’re living in this strange parallel universe where anyone in government can say anything they like, no matter how ridiculous, without needing to back it up with proof or evidence. It all started when ‘Russia hacked the presidential election’ :roll_eyes: , and now shows no sign of stopping.

Hopefully, he will be voted out of office. All of his blunders will make excellent ads.

I can see offering California to the Russians. That would really fuck them up. Look Ivan, they shit in the streets.

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That shit will do your mind.

I hope you mean doggy doo-doo? :scream:

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Looks almost as bad as it is here! lol It’s what gives good dog owners a bad name. Wait a minute - does that read ‘Human Feces’? Nope, I won’t believe that.

I just had an epiphany; all the homeless should be provided with shit bags, so they can clean up. Then taken to a local shit collection station. I mean, ya gotta clean up after your dog, or risk being fined.

WHAT - it really is human?? Don’t you have any public toilets over there then?

Yes, we have public toilets. They are known as the street.

Ironic Pelosi tore up Trump’s speech when she has so much to be proud of, right?

California’s 12th congressional district is a congressional district in California. Speaker of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi , a Democrat, has represented the district since January 2013. Currently, the 12th district is entirely within the city of San Francisco .

The amazing thing is, now Pelosi is a right-wing extremist by San Francisco standards. The new DA there is the son of famous weather underground terrorist Kathy Boudin, and is as crazy as you’d expect that person to be. DA Chesa Boudin was raised by Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn while Kathy was in prison for murder.

She is fighting the AOC/Bernie extreme leftists and the Republicans to keep her brand of democrats alive.

Her party is in serious disarray. I’m not sure they will recover.

I don’t want to be sexist but I honestly believe females should stay out of politics.