Inbreeding Racist Ilhan Omar: "This Is Not Going to Be the Country of White People"


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She is absolutely right here, based on facts. This country isn’t just for white people and in 20 years white people will be in the minority population wise.

This country is for all people. All ideologies, all religions, all races and ethnicities. That is what makes us great.

You completely contradicted yourself in a single post.

Pick one of those two sentences and stick to it.


Seems you don’t know the definition of contradiction

This country will be minority white in 20 years


This country is for all people

Isn’t a contradiction. They are not mutually exclusive. The can both be true at the same time.


The first sentence is saturated in racist thought and I reject the premise no matter what racial trend occurs.

The second is what we strive for and should always stand alone.

Pretty clear to me what the goal should be and how the two conflict.


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They don’t conflict…

Saying white people will be the minority is no worse than saying black people are the minority today (hint factually they are).

If I said white people being the minority means they don’t get to have an opinion in the USA… that would be racist. Simple stating that in 20 years we will be an minority is not racist. Stop diluting the word.

Can you identity that a group is a minority while also saying that group is welcomed in the USA??

Thanks Monte! You are the daily gift that keeps on giving! What flavour popcorn do you desire today? You are trolling hard today! Don’t forget to wipe your semen from your hands before touching the keyboards as you might jeopardise your lively hood to being a sticky mess!

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