Didn’t Joe Biden use $1.5 billion dollars to benefit his family, namely his son?
A stable Ukraine benefits the U.S.A.
If you want to talk about Biden, feel free to create a thread.
It’s Trump we’re impeaching.
It’s your hypocrisy I was discussion. Can you understand that or is it too deep for you?
If you insist on engaging in personal insults you can talk to yourself…
I referred to the KGB style rules adopted by Democrats not impeachment itself. This sort of deliberate misrepresentation happens so often with you it has to be deliberate.
It’s so impressive how you cannot help using using words you don’t understand. In this case “wanton”. Did you mean wanting?
There are no constitutional rules. Therefore, what the democrats are doing is lawful and not KGB tactics. You’re just characterizing them so because you’re butt hurt over all the testimony demonstrating that Trump has abused his office, obstructed justice, intimidated witnesses, leveraging tax payers money to his personal gain…
Would you like to be personally ridiculed over your next typo. I ignore those things unless they cause confusion of the point. But do carry on…
If he had representation during this fucking witch hunt, it never would get to trial.
Schiff is controlling the show. He determines who can testify, what questions they can be asked, and who can ask the questions.
All you liberal nitwits just can’t recognize totally unethical political bias because you’re blinded by party loyalty.
The Bidens are part of the story of this impeachment charade. Mentioning their corruption is on topic.
If you insist on engaging in personal insults you can talk to yourself
Oh look who is having hurt feelings? When you are losing the argument go to plan B!
The same people that bitch the loudest about off topic posts, do themselves post the most off topic…
You can demonize the inquiry all you’d like, but the court has ruled it IS LEGAL…
Yeah Monte! I hear ya loud and clear! He who lives in a glass house shouldn’t throw stones! You along with your comrade Digipoo derail more threads than one can count!
You have a serious talent, my friend.
You never fail to crack me up
You poor thing. Never mind your history of misusing words. Stop whining, get a dictionary, it’s a curable problem.
Well that was on topic and contributed to the thread…
Yeah, it was a devastating day for Trump yesterday as his own hand picked ambassador dropped his ass in the hot grease…
“I know that members of this committee frequently frame these complicated issues in the form of a simple question: Was there a ‘quid pro quo’?” Sondland said. “. . . With regard to the requested White House call and the White House meeting, the answer is yes.”
Not even remotely close to the truth! Ha ha’ Monte is “Montesplaning” again!
Right, like Jim Jordan said, no crime was committed because he got caught.
If you have TDS you should avert your eyes cause this post might be offensive.
Well that’s always dismissive of legitimate criticism.