Impeach Nancy Pelosi....TRAITOR

A softy for Pinochet, feature that…:flushed::flushed::flushed::flushed:

Start with Adam Shifty ShitStain take his treasonous ass out in cuffs.


I was celebrating the day he left office!



I only learned about it in this thread. Imagine how many millions out there still don’t who would sign the petition.

:astonished: They also eat some of the worst slop on the planet :face_vomiting:

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On what basis?..

For lying to the American people…repeatedly.

He claimed many times to have irrefutable proof that Trump colluded with Russia. He claimed he had not communicated with the “whistleblower” when, in fact he set the whole thing up.

Get that son of a bitch under oath and see if he can lie his way out of his previous lies.

Motion to compel testimony please!

So who of the front runners now would you think would make a good president?

FFS! They all lie through their teeth, haven’t you noticed?

Who’s Adam Shifty Shitstain when he’s at home?

Not sure what you mean by that?

FFS, dipwit! I was answering a specific question asked by someone else. Try reading and comprehending before stating the obvious.

You didn’t quote anyone, and the only name in your post was Trump, so I naturally thought you were referring to him. Don’t get ya knickers in a twist - minor misunderstandings often happen on discussion forums. I plead guilty for overlooking a nuance though.

When a reply appears directly beneath another poster’s reply, the fact that it is in response to the previous post is not obvious. Also, I have had many attempted full quotes of preceding posts deleted by the robot.

It’s not my knickers that got wadded up. Your “FFS” indicates they were yours.

Your pseudo-contrition is commendable.


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