Illegal Alien Mother of Nine from Honduras Will be Democrat Lawmaker’s Guest of Honor at President Trump’s SOTU Address

Maria Lila Meza Castro is the 40-year-old migrant Honduran mother made famous by the Reuters photograph of her dragging her half-naked children from the smoke of a tear gas canister thrown at rioting caravan migrants by the border patrol at the U.S. border with Mexico.

Maria is a mother of nine children, one of whom has been living in the U.S. for the past two years, according to ABC News. Meza brought five of her children with her on the migrant caravan, leaving the other three back in Honduras.

Maria will be a guest of honor at President Trump’s State of the Union Address.
Maria had nine children and then dragged them to the US half naked.
And now a Guest of honor.

Via Rep. Jimmy Gomez:

Today, Congressman Jimmy Gomez (CA-34) announced that Maria Lidia Meza Castro, a 41-year old mother of nine from Honduras, will accompany him as his guest to the State of the Union address.

Last year, Maria made the treacherous journey to the U.S. with 5 of her children, only to be tear gassed by immigration officials at the border. Maria and her twin daughters were photographed during this attack, an image that provoked widespread outrage . Unfortunately, her family was forced into hiding after right-wing media reported the photographs to be staged, resulting in thousands of people harassing the family on social media.

Only after being accompanied by Congressman Jimmy Gomez and Congresswoman Nanette Diaz Barragan was Maria eventually allowed entry into the U.S. and processed for asylum. Maria remains in constant fear for the safety of the four children she left behind in Honduras, including her 16-year-old son who is paraplegic and cannot walk or travel.

They just can’t stop themselves from rubbing our noses in the fact that our immigration system is so broken and they have no plans on fixing it. This is disgraceful and I hope that ICE is waiting there to deport her on the spot.

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Gotta pander to that illegal vote. It’s the only way that the Democrats stay in office. Traitors.

It’s a good choice of guest because it is an accurate representation of what the Democrat party stands for:

  • Anti-law,
  • Anti-ICE,
  • Anti-borders,
  • Anti-American,
  • Pro-welfare seeking illegal immigrants.
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Any word if she’ll bring her drug dealing son with her? He’s apparently illegaly in the US too along with her husband.

9 sprogs and she’s only 40? She got a few more child-bearing years left in her yet then? Why do these ethnics have so many kids when they know they can’t afford to raise them all ffs? She could end up with twice as many?

From the article - she’s been processed for asylum because congress people stepped in.

Only after being accompanied by Congressman Jimmy Gomez and Congresswoman Nanette Diaz Barragan was Maria eventually allowed entry into the U.S. and processed for asylum. Maria remains in constant fear for the safety of the four children she left behind in Honduras, including her 16-year-old son who is paraplegic and cannot walk or travel.

And yes, this is what the democrats are proud of. Someone who commits a crime coming into our country, 9 kids as what I presume to be a single mother. One of the kids will need medical care for his entire life.

Uggg. These lefties are demented.

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It could be worse, like living in Europe!

So an ILLEGAL is the honored guess WTF . How come dummycrats won’t invite a homeless veteran ?
Has the dummycrat party the poster boy for ILLEGALS , TRANNIES , ABORTIONIST , ATHEIST , AND ANTI-WHITE , ANTI-CONSTITUTION ?? :hot_face: :rage:

That’s why they come to the United States. They know they can’t afford to raise them so they’ll just have us pay for it so they could sit at home on their ass all day while we work.

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This is a disgusting display that only serves to further divide the American people. Rep Jimmy Gomez is a disgrace to this country and to the office that he holds.

Plus, if the article is correct he is a human smuggler.

Exactly my point. :+1: