If Biden Wins, We’ll Have Permanent One-Party Government

If Biden Wins, We’ll Have Permanent One-Party Government

" . . . . . If the Democrats win, if Biden wins this election with Kamala Harris or whoever that they put up there, that’s the end of democracy. It’s the end of the two-party system. We’re gonna have a one-party government that is going to devote itself to eliminating all opposition. That’s what’s at stake. If they win, I think the Republican Party essentially ceases to exist.

One of the first things they will do is grant statehood to D.C. and Puerto Rico, and that will give them four Democrat senators. They will never lose control of the Senate. They will never lose control of the House. They will pack the Supreme Court with who knows how many new justices, and they’ll all be left-leaning justices. And it won’t be take them long to do any of this. And after they’ve done it, there will be a one-party state.

The United States will be a one-party government. It will be just like California is now. It’ll be just like New York is now. In California, the Republican Party doesn’t exist. Well, it exists, but they never win anything. In New York, the same thing. Now, you can see what’s happened in New York and California. They are the blueprints and the forerunners for what will happen nationwide if the Democrats win in November. Mark my words.

Everybody thought that the election in 2016 was the election of a lifetime. This one is too, maybe even bigger. The Democrat Party has become full-fledged Marxist radical left. They do not believe in opposition. They don’t believe in debate. They don’t believe they should have to win minds and hearts. They don’t believe they should have to persuade anybody. They don’t believe that there is legitimate opposition.

So they’re not going to have debates, they’re not going to have any circumstance where they could lose politically. They believe in a one-party-dominating government. And it’s what they’re going to set up as quickly as they can. And there will be punishment for people who oppose them, try to stop them.

This is what, for me, is so frustrating about all the Never Trumpers and so many so-called conservatives, why they don’t see this as the immediate future of this country if the Democrats — forget Trump. Forget Trump. Trump is the only guy that can prevent this from happening. There isn’t another Republican on the ballot that can stop these people. Donald Trump is the guy.

He’s the only guy with the gonads, he’s the only guy with the desire, he’s the only guy with the know-how, and he’s the only guy with the spirit to stand up and oppose them. He’s the only guy not afraid of them. But this is what we’re facing. This is the immediate future. It’s within 50 days. That’s why the Democrats can see this. They are salivating. If they lose this election, you ask, will they sue and go to court? Oh, they’ll do that, but they’re going to engage in violence like you haven’t seen yet.

They’re gonna make everybody pay. It’s gonna be a really, really precarious set of circumstances that we are all going to face. Look, I gotta take a brief break here. I’m not trying to scare anybody, but I’m telling you, this is what we’re up against. You can forget about the Democrat Party as a party that has to win its way into power and has to keep proving itself. Once they get it, folks, they’re never gonna take the chance of losing it again.


RUSH: I imagine that stunned a lot of you. If we lose this election, it could be and it most likely will be the end of the two party country that you know and love. If we lose this election, folks, we are looking at a one-party state. The Democrat Party will own and operate this country, and they will pack the courts, and they will make states out of territories getting four new Democrat senators so they’ll never lose the Senate again. It’s worthy of more discussion, but I don’t have any time to do it right now.


RUSH: No, I’m not trying to scare anybody. I actually think the Democrats are signaling that this is what’s going to happen If they win. I mean, it’s what their objective is.

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When an embarrassingly large swath of your voters refuses to believe that Lincoln was a Republican, that it was the Democrats who opposed the 1964 Civil Rights legislation or that Hitler unleashed the Holocaust on the world, then it’s obvious that far too many unqualified, result-distorting votes are being cast.


Amazing isn’t it. A nation that invented the internet and the “Information Superhighway” has the dumbest voters ever.


Americans have become lazy and now let others determine the truth when it often lies elsewhere. The internet is a wonderful tool however when you search a topic like RG’s death the media echoes much the same story and if you want more you need to continue the journey.

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Take a close look at WHO controls the information and how it is censored .

Good point. That does mitigate the voters’ stupidity but it does not fully excuse it because you and I are still able to see facts so why can’t they.

We had total control when Trump won and look at how the GOP screwed that up. The Democrats won’t be that stupid.


Ahh, but they were. When Obama got elected the Dems had the Senate and The House. When they shoved Obamacare down our throat thats when the House swung back to the GOP. They had two short years of total control like Trump did.

But you are right, that for those two years they stuck together, and for Trump’s two years that fucking POS Paul Ryan screwed Trump.

The GOP thought Trump was a fluke and that he would fail. Now they know better.

If the GOP fucks up this Supreme Court vacancy they will have lived out their usefulness as an actual political party.

Who is saying that Lincoln was a Democrat? And some obscure blog is not really proof.

But I then read you dont think the holocaust happened. I have my anwer.

How will this be achieved? Those that Trump secured are healthy and fairly young. Are you saying the number of SC judges will be increased? How will that happen.

Limbaugh is speaking complete shit. Trying to stoke the fires of hatred as much as possible before he succumbs to cancer.

“But I then read you dont think the holocaust happened. I have my answer.”

I understand your problem, you don’t know how to read.

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Just requires a Senate and a president of the same party.

The country needs term limits is congress as well as SCOTUS judges. 20 year term for SCOTUS is a starting point. With lifelong appointments, it wasn’t;t a problem when the country was founded however with th increase in longevity it should b considered. Serving in congress was never intended to be a career job however we now have occupants in both houses who have spent a lifetime in congress amassing fortunes and are there for POWER not representing the people who sent the ti Washington.


QUOTE: The Constitution places the power to determine the number of Justices in the hands of Congress. The first Judiciary Act, passed in 1789, set the number of Justices at six, one Chief Justice and five Associates. Over the years Congress has passed various acts to change this number, fluctuating from a low of five to a high of ten. The Judiciary Act of 1869 fixed the number of Justices at nine and no subsequent change to the number of Justices has occurred.


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That says it all…

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Swamp animals like John McCain , Susan Collins , Lisa Murkowski , Mike Lee and biggest swamp animal Mitt Romney .

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The problem you se is that the right has members who regardless of the outcome will not vote the party line. The democrats put up the wall effectively.

RINO’s stood by and did nothing on the Russia lie , watch and hope he would be impeached . Why are they silent on Mueller and his criminal acts ? Didn’t he LIE to Congress ? How do these " honorable men erase 60 cell phones ? Where is the party now ?

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A lot of those RINO’s are gone, like Jeff Flake and McCain. Some still remain.

If Trump magically got a do-over, another term with a GOP House and Senate, I think he would get much more done the second time around.

Of course that probably won’t happen

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