I Think It's Safe To Say That Iceboy is a Brock Bodaggit

Unfortunately, that still leaves half of Deplorable Media…

I rest my case, as you just confirmed you are not only in denial of personal accountability for the posts you make here, but a certifiable trolling liar to boot! I won’t waste my time with such porch monkeys like you as it’s apparent you are intellectually bankrupt! You can even have the last word too!

Have a nice evening!

A) Are you trying to argue that I introduced this place to the term “post modern”?

B) What, exactly, do you mean by “porch monkey”?

Be careful now.

What needs to be put down is the NYP as in put down on the floor to be used for puppy house training. :roll_eyes:

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I wouldn’t necessarily disagree with that…but the NYPost and The Grifter have a history.

Bull shit threads pop up from time to time from bull shit posters like icebergslimwipe.

Hey douche bag, experts have disagreements, get the f over it.

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But Navarro isn’t an expert in medicine…he’s as qualified to argue the point as a guy with a single digit handicap…

Navarro is arguing his field of expertise. That’s what he’s supposed to be doing. Obviously you have never been involved in high level discussions of any sort.

There is of course no evidence this argument ever took place.

What do you believe his field of expertise is?

No…there’s denial…

The fact that it demonstrates something you are unwilling to acknowledge, doesn’t mean we all must wish it away.

“The lack of immune protection or an existing cure or vaccine would leave Americans defenseless in the case of a full-blown coronavirus outbreak on US soil,” the January memo said. “This lack of protection elevates the risk of the coronavirus evolving into a full-blown pandemic, imperiling the lives of millions of Americans.”

One senior administration official who spoke with Axios described being wary of Navarro’s intentions given his hawkish stance on China. The January memo advocated a travel ban on China, which the Trump administration later implemented.

This guy is a hardened thinker. That’s why he’s in the positions he’s in and you’re sitting at your keyboard spouting BS.


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Millions of people are at risk of dieing and this yahoo Slimjim is worried about an argument.

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LOL and the libs answer for November? Corn Pop Claudius. That’s why these trolls are showing up here, they already know that their lead jackass is lame.


How does this qualify him to determine whether drugs are, or are not, effective?

This might appear a ridiculous question to someone convinced that Reality TV is real, but I think it worth considering…

Chinese security forces quarantined an entire city of 11 million people. In some cases, they locked residents in their apartments from the outside. Chinese authorities were clearly panicked. But Anthony Fauci wasn’t. He assured Americans that, while they might want to reconsider immediate travel plans to Wuhan, going to the Super Bowl was absolutely fine. As it turned out, it wasn’t fine.

No, actually…a seasoned public servant…the VP of the POTUS APSA rates the 8th best ever…

His opponent was rated “worse than Buchanan”…which, in this instance, is damning with faint praise.

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If it takes out the illiterate…

Both guys are there to share their perspectives. Trump makes the final decisions. That’s what leaders do. Without Navarro’s advice Trump might not have issued the original flight restrictions. Then you would be carping about even more delay and deaths.

You’re way out of your league even discussing this issue and the principal’s involved. Make yourself useful and go watch the Voice or something.


Now let’s consider Navarro…

Do you have any idea what his trade war cost you?

What you got out of it?