I have seen many things referenced that always leads back to the UN as being the 8th Kingdom, or whatever. (Rolling my eyes on the latter) Only because there is gross misinterpretation of Revelations. However, the UN is playing a particular role in the NWO and that is something I will acknowledge as being true.
DeBlowhard and Homocuomo! Sorry, couldn’t help myself, (I am flawed) why they embrace the tenets of communism is telling enough. Of course they want to go after ■■■■ and Christians. This is what I meant that the war is coming for you, if you profess Jesus as your savoir.
Did you know in a communist country like China, Christianity is the fastest rising religion? If you put God over the CCP then you committed a state offense against the CCP. Everything else that is going on in Western Nations, is along this thread of thought. Such dictators think they are above God.
My opinion is that he was stopped from doing a purge, as I said he is surrounded by Swamp Creatures, some were Swamp and he didn’t even know eg. Rod Rosenstein who he was advised to choose. Trump has always done best when he’s ignored advice and chosen what his gut told him eg. Amy Coney Barrett.
William Barr in my opinion is also Swamp and so is Christopher Wray and again they were put forward by others for Trump. There are so many things Barr and Wray COULD have done eg. dismantle and arrest all Antifa leaders, go after who is funding them, go after The Soros Organization, shut the money down, seize the assets, they have done zero and that can only be because Barr and Wray are part of The Swamp.
Trump wanted to invoke The Insurrection Act when Seattle and Portland and the Mayor’s were obviously in the middle of Sedition, who stopped him from doing this? Mark Esper and The Joint Chiefs of Staff, they are all Swamp Creatures, they are part of what President Eisenhower called The Military Industrial Complex.
If the SHTF I don’t even think they are going to stand with Trump OR even protect him from the feral mob, all indications now suggest they will either IGNORE orders OR actually stand with the feral mob. The corruption is just too deep. The Treason is just too deep.
All we can safely say is this and that is if the Democrats get control they are actually going to kill unlimited millions of us, not straight away but I think by 2025 the Murder Machine will be fully up and running, people who disagree with The Globalist Agenda will just be disappeared into the night.
They even openly admit they are going to kill us, not Biden and Harris and Pelosi and the Out Front Democrats, but behind the scenes operatives and Leftist Activists have been recorded saying they will kill, first Trump Supporters and what they refer to as Trump Enablers, after that it will be killing ANYONE who opposes The Globalist Agenda, all these idiots who are going to vote for Biden BECAUSE he’s NOT Trump they will only be woken up in the most brutal way and that’s when the Leftist Mob come for them, all these morons rioting and looting on the street think they will get a seat at the table as a reward, but no actually because they are the Useful Idiots and the Leftist Mob will put them into a mass grave as well.
Holy crap you talk abut stupidity? You conflating political figures on the campaign trail with your stupid opinions is pretty desperate on your part! Bravo! That is pretty funny! You are a pretty bright bulb aren’t you?
Who are you, you’re a nobody, just a silly little man posting on the Internet, probably you’re a Meth Head with a side habit of sniffing glue who funds your habit by bending over and offering your dirty rectum to your fellow Soy Boi’s.
Your wilful ignorance to support your delusional narratives is off the charts when it’s already been confirmed that there is evidence that supports such claims. Are you really that dense or are you some paid shill here?