I love companies that come out against guns

Well, if this is true and I suspect there is a considerable factor involved (why wouldn’t there be) then what would happen if companies outed the insurance carriers as a reason for the policies they have to make?

I am not sure they would for fear of reprisals or having their coverage dropped! Then again they could reveal such clauses! When speaking of Walmart’s recent policy as an example I have to wonder though what is their true motive, if what you are saying has any truth to it then using the ideological slant to mask the insurance liability would make more sense!

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You want our corrupt and racist law enforcement agencies and Trump’s military to be the only ones allowed to have combat capable firearms. Think about it people.

The French Resistance is played up. It was actually smaller than the Gilets Jaunes. The French wanted to capitulate to the Germans. That is why they’re doing it now.

Thank you mods. That was nicely done.




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The stores have right to be concerned about the customers safety.You don’t know whar could happen when someone enters a store openly carrying a handgun. Not everyone carrying a handgun is a law abiding person. If security is that seriousthey should hire armed security people. Who would openly carry a handgun into a bank on an open carry state.



Same for “made in the USA”.

I just shop where I get the best price-for-quality balance. And that often changes from product-to-product that I’m looking for. Too many boycotts to keep track of.

It’s not that hard! You got the internet don’t you?

If they’re really concerned with their customers safety, they’ll allow law abiding citizens to carry. The criminal doesn’t give a rats ass what their policy on guns is. They’re protecting NO ONE by disarming law abiding citizens.

As to who would carry? I would. I personally don’t open carry much but I also don’t shy away from it. Why? Normalization. The more people get used to seeing it, the more comfortable they’ll be with it.

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Utter stupidity, it’s just a welcome sign to armed robbers and mass shooters.


There’s really not. I literally shop at less than a dozen total stores, not that many repeatable products and maybe 10 restaurants, though I most often cook at home because their food isn’t as good as mine. When one pops up on the radar, I replace it. Of course, I’m not the guy that goes store to store looking for the best price. I find a product I want and I buy it. I could probably save money shopping around but I despise shopping so I’d rather pay more and go to the house.

I am kind of the same way! If I am looking for something, I first use the internet to look up the product, who makes it, where its assembled, then locate the nearest store. I hate shopping too, and try to make the process as efficient and painless as possible. Things like coffee or eating out, I am very selective of who I give my business too. I much rather support small business than give my money to the likes of starbucks or some other cuckery corp. Besides, the smaller businesses tend to have more friendlier service and the food tastes better!

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Same here, I do as much shopping as possible online.

We used to buy over a thousand dollars a month worth of dog food from Sam’s each month for about 9 months a year, 600.00 the rest of the year. We’d also buy bulk grocery and toiletry/OTC items there.

We’ll never spend another dime with either Sam’s or Walmart.

I saw some recent numbers from WW thatt showed the average family spending more than 20K per year there, if even 5% of gun owning families and 2nd Amendment advocates quit shopping at either or both it will be a huge financial blow to them.

Walmarts own numbers showed 95% of Americans shopping at WW so obviously it isn’t going to gain them a single customer, it can only hurt them in the long run.

I carrry concealed, and always have. I like the element of surprise. I see people in Walmart with .44 Hog legs hanging on their belts. Any screwball could take a heavy tool from hardware & cold cock them, and take their pistol. It’s impossibe to have a 360 degree of vision when walking around. I do not need to make a statement by open carry.

Only if they are walking around with their head’s up their asses and anyone who is trained will identify the concealed carriers as well.

Nobody is going to get close enough to me to disarm me unless they shoot me first.