“Protesters packed the courtyard of the Brooklyn Museum and surrounding parkway in New York City on Sunday in support of Black trans lives, merging the fight to protect two deeply marginalized groups,” NBC reported, estimating the crowd to be “likely in the thousands.”
The Trump administration recommends face masks at large gatherings, but most likely Trump will discredit himself, his rally’s, and rally goers by not enforcing his own guidelines…
Hey numbnuts! Trump gets tested regularly so if he doesn’t wear a mask it’s because he is not a risk! Do get a brain instead of seeking opportunity to express your TDS which you do regularly here!
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According to the Trump administration, in all gatherings, people should wear face coverings. But you can bet that Trump and the Trumpers at his rally’s won’t be compliant.
Hey numbnuts! Trump gets tested regularly so if he doesn’t wear a mask it’s because he is not a risk! Do get a brain instead of seeking opportunity to express your TDS which you do regularly here!
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