Hurricane Helene Exposes A Deep Betrayal Of America: UpDate: Hurricane Milton

As the title suggests and based on the Zero Hedge article, it goes without saying that the masks have come off and its pretty obvious why the Federal Government is ignoring American citizens plead for assistance in the after math of a storm that has ravaged with destruction and left many homeless across several states.

When considering the money sent to Ukraine, Money being sent to Lebanon, and the wide open Southern Border to which hundreds of thousands of Illegal aliens have crossed into our nation, who are being supported at the expense of the American Tax payer with free housing and $5000 dollar debit cards while Americans who suffered through Devastating Fires (See Lahaina) and now this latest disaster hurricane Helene; it becomes extremely clear that Americans are being betrayed by their own government.


Americans across several states are suffering and attempting to survive under unimaginably harsh conditions, without food and water, in that aftermath of Hurricane Helene which tore across ten states in the Southeast last week, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. And a week later, these people have found that they are largely on their own, as all the real help that has arrived has come through the efforts of individuals and nonprofit groups such as Samaritan Purse, Mountain Mule Packers Ranch, Save Our Allies and Aerial Recovery, which has exposed the fact — to anyone who didn’t already know — that the Biden regime doesn’t give a good damn about them, as Biden and his minions have engaged in not just dereliction of duty but the worst betrayal of the American people ever witnessed, since the birth of the nation.

This is the worse it has gotten, so how far will they go before Americans push back due to such betrayals?

The Shelter and Services Program administered by FEMA in partnership with the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol has spent more than $1 billion on noncitizen migrant resettlement and other services over the past two years, according to FEMA’s website.

FEMA issued vouchers for hotels. None available within a 200 mile radius.

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Now we have the US Government intentionally trying to destroy relief efforts by private individuals! We have enemies within our own government!

This was the recent report on this incident!

NEW: Helicopter destroys Hurricane Helene recovery supplies in Burnsville, North Carolina at a distribution site. Locals say two black SUVs did a “slow roll” 45 minutes before the helicopter showed up. “This evening at approximately 7:18 in Burnsville, NC an unmarked helicopter flew in and attempted to destroy the distribution area that was set up by locals for locals while I was conducting a K9 Security Round,” megsbacn, a veteran volunteer said on TT. “THIS WAS NOT ONE OF OUR HELOS! This was about 45 minutes after 2 unmarked black SUVS and a side-by-side did a slow roll at the entrance of our parking lot and left.” “[The helicopter] was UNMARKED and it is illegal to fly unmarked helicopters. But we know SF can and does and we know some private contractors do (not sure of the legalities on that though)…” “So who were they? Why were they here? Why were they masked up? I’ve done plenty of helo ops with Coast Guard helos and I know a practiced rotor wash when I see it and our pilots never masked up this way.”

Weather war is right.

I was just going to post this. This is pretty crazy!

So essentially the US Government and other Governments around the world that has access to Geo-Engineering technology is admitting that they put chemicals in the stratosphere, also known as “Chemtrails” under the guise of combating “Global warming” or more commonly referred as “Climate Change.” Its no coincidence that they started doing this more frequently in order to influence voter turn out right before an election.

In other words, with these actions they are not only making citizens sick with cancer and other life threatening diseases, but also destroying people’s livelihoods, homes and even killing people all so they can create a false narrative about Climate change as well as to achieve political expediency. My question is who is going to face Military Tribunals and face a firing squad for their evil barbarous genocidal deeds? :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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As with the current hurricane(s) and Katrina in New Orleans some years back, you never know who is going to be made victims: black, white, young, old, farmers, or city dwellers…

I heard New Orleans was an experiment (by the Deep State) to find out how people would react in certain conditions (like being crowded and confined in a stadium with limited food, etc).


Ron DeSantis calls out Kamala Harris’s bullsh*t!

Gov. DeSantis on Kamala Harris, after she freaked on him for ignoring her phone calls:

“She’s delusional. She has no role here. She’s been Vice President for three years and never contributed anything to these storm efforts. She politicizing the storm to save a failing campaign”

Do you see where this is going yet?


Here is the lie being exposed.

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I didn’t want to believe it but….

How COVID destroyed and stole an election and now hurricanes destroying Red States with less than a month before the most important election of our lifetime?

This world is evil but…


This shows who this administration cares for MOST !!!

And now they say they are out of money? This was part of the plan! Why? I have to wonder if its either part of trying to suppress voter turnout or is an attack on White settlements?

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Hurricane Satellite.

Satan and his Evil American Communist Party is doubling down on this Evil!! Not only will they not help Americans in need, but they are preventing others from helping too!! This requires trial for treason, and immediate fittings with hemp neckties!! 🤬🤬🤬