Hunter and Joe Biden Corruption Scandal! The Laptop From Hell!

Hunter should have used one of Hillarys computer pros .

I don’t think he is that intelligent enough to have that kind of presence of mind. Remember crack pipe? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He didn’t have to be to intelligent to sit on the Board of Burisma. Anyone of us including Monte could do that.

True, but it goes without saying that it helps if your Daddy is the vice President, and Hillary Clinton is Secretary of State.

The continuing saga of DC corruption will never cease. A big mistake was to involve Washington Post and NY Slimes.Grassley should be impaled atop the Washington Monument. There’s as much chance of anything happening to Hunter as there is of Hillary,Comey and Strok.

I am not sure the DC corruption will ever cease either, but I do have faith that something will happen to minimize it to a point we get back to doing the people’s business. Grassley is the least of my focus that I would hold him in such contempt he is old school, and certainly is not in the same class with Romney, Collins, Murkowski or Graham.

I will say this about the Hunter Biden laptop scandal as I think there is something that is at play here. It is in my opinion that either the 25th amendment is in the works, or by some other foreshadowed event Biden doesn’t serve out his term. I am not sure that Harris will take his place either if something should happen to Biden and see a possibility of a negotiated settlement, a situation behind the scenes where she is forced to resign in exchange for a plush set up in a quiet retirement of some kind, never to be seen or heard from again. What no one is answering or is bother to ask is who will be the replacement? It is widely accepted at this point that Obama is running things behind the scenes, and that to me is reason to believe that him and Holder are the ones that should be arrested and heads put on pikes. Of course I would be remissed to think that the list ends there as there is Hillary, and the 51 intel operatives that are now in the cross hairs who by association can be implicated in this soft coup we just witnessed with the rigging of the 2020 election.

Another thing to keep in mind, with the mid-terms in focus ahead, the Democrats are living in fear and are getting desperate knowing that there is a reckoning coming and their grip on power is at best a tenuous situation. Imagine if they tried rigging the elections again, how much longer will the American people tolerate such blatant violations of their basic rights?

I leave this here, because Jordan’s speech is a seminal moment in our history outlining exactly what is happening with the country at the hands of the Democrats. While I will agree with most sentiments about hearing so many speeches without action and a recourse to hold those accountable, he does offer something to expose the issues which will go a long way in changing public perception where the common voters, particularly Democrats and independents whose voices are increasing in a chorus of dissent as they pay higher prices for food, gas, rent, while the devaluation of dollar is happening by the minute, gets louder.

I am no Nostradamus but to a layman its not hard to see that something is about to change as those winds are whispering messages everyday we read about how corrupt our government is. I am almost forced to go back in our nations history and view the aggregate of who were the most corrupt administrations in our nations history and studied what followed, and almost every-time as the pendulum swings in the other direction to which the nation always was able to usher in a new era of change to settle down the mob with introduced bread for appeasement. Grant, Harding (with Tea Pot Dome Scandal), Nixon were considered by scholars to be the most corrupt administrations in our nations history, but now Biden will certainly add to the dubious distinction. “A nation can survive its fools but not treason from within” and IMO Obama is the one central key figure along with the various intel people responsible for subverting the law and the constitution that needs to be seriously neutered.

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From Hunter Biden’s laptop. Yikes!

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Where did you get this picture Dr?

A friend who does hunting within a news aggregate service sent it to me.

Remember Wiki Leaks and the steady drip drip of its releases? The same is going to be happening as more stuff comes out of whats on Biden’s laptop. Maxy is hiding in Switzerland right now releasing the details.

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