Share this video. They tried removing this from the net.
A democrat appointed judge suffering tds
Yeah, they’re talking about them, but spinning reality so there’s really no progress….
What’s the spin? Pentagon wants to know
And now we learn that the call logs that the Trump White House from January 6th provided to the special committee investigating the events of the day, have a more than 7 hour gap……Even Nixon only tried to clip 18 minutes thinking he may get away with it. Let’s get those 7 hours and see how much Trump was praising the insurrectionists and telling senior staffers to let them carry on….Orange man wearing Orange….
Lol the only Insurrection happened on voting day… protesting the fake votes was justified… as history notes
No phone logs from about 11:30 am to 7:00 pm and the use of burner phones by White House staff that day. A clear indication that they wanted no record of the days phone calls……
Giant win for
in Eastman case. Judge Carter says Trump’s actions were likely criminal and “would have “permanently ended the peaceful transition of power” in America. He ordered Eastman to disclose docs to our Committee.
She talks to fucktards like you and RINOS!
Photoshopped, don’t you recognize that….
So a black guy from Kenya forged his way into the United States government completely to the top, highest position……Some America to let that happen….apparently not as exceptional as many would believe……
With Rothschild money, anything is possible.
Let’s corner Matt Gaetz on his little child sex trafficking case….