Hundreds of Teens Riot in Chicago

So much for support of strict gun control. The voters have to share in the blame for voting in Lesbo Lightbrain and an incompetent DA. Amazing how Mammie Oprah avoids talking about this and avoiding this violence where she lives.


Failures in government can only take place via voter apathy/stupidity

Give the blacks a separate country somewhere, so that civilized people can live a civilized life undisturbed.

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Look. At the picts

Not just blacks

Apathy and stupidity is why the 2020 election was stolen? Short of a real insurrection, nothing is going to stop/fix this government from screwing the people every chance they/it get’s. I’m not sure how government failure falls on the shoulders of the voters?

I don’t watch violent movies. Bad for your health.

OK, if whites and Asians participated, what are the percentages?

How about sime of those lovely islands north of Russia !!!

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I’m sure those from Chicago are used to the cold.
They can riot all they want; just leave the beautiful nature alone.

If they don’t behave, Mr Putin can always send the kinzhal missiles.

What is that saying? First was the soap box, then the ballot box and finally the ammo box?

Oh, what is the point right? Seriously though a insurrection is probably in short form as being a fantasy, but stranger things have happened.

Hard labor camps always worked for me.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Agreed. I’m just saying that something ‘extragvagant’ will need to happen before this government takes notice. Blaming voters that have no control over the cheating / smoke and mirrors that our ‘elections’ have become is just an easy way out. The voters are in no way to blame for this bullshit government… well, unles you vote Democrat…lol.

I agree 100%!

Generally I don’t like to condone violence, but man I can see the frustration boiling over to the point where such options of addressing a lawless country is becoming extremely limited!

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What bothers me most is that such thieves enjoy the “fruit of their labor,” in this case a pizza, without any qualms.

South Africa functioned as a country while they enforced apartheid.

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Well, they are about to find out real soon that life is about to get real hard soon! Starvation and scarcity is a real thing when they start killing each other for survival!

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Who put them in office???

Rigged elections that is who!

I supppse that depends on how you view elections… fair or rigged.

Red pilled people say “Rigged.”
Blue pilled people say “Fair.”
There’s no middle ground.

No more demarcation
Dem / GOP
Awake / Asleep.


Some elections were rigged, some are not.

Problem is many states elected Biden. Some did not. Trump was and remains his own worst his enemy in 2020 and the hatred for Trump produced Biden.

Some states have fraud embedded to ensure the outcome.

Arizona is a poster child of fraud. As well as several other states. These are the stats that the right should be focusing on. Unfortunately the court system isn’t going to correct fraud ridden elections as proven in Arizona, no matter what the proof. 2022 has proven that. Unless the right is wiling to double down on those states, they will lose as the left has figured out they can cheat, win with no downside.