When you are winning and not fighting on your own soil you tend to have far fewer casualties.
Wars are won when you destroy the enemy’s means and desire to fight on. You do that by killing them in huge numbers and destroying everything they rely on for survival and support.
You can win a battle but lose a war.
After all, wars are nothing more than an extension of politics.
America lost to communists in Vietnam despite advanced weaponry and military victories.
Russia lost to Japan despite military victories on the continent in 1905
I wonder if these ring-dings have ever met a Fundamentalist Christian, (dispensationalism is basically a dead theology at this point).
I grew up with a not-quite-97-pound Schofield Reference Bible as my main study guide. I read the Bible, not so much the commentary; the cross-references were helpful.
From that endless drivel it apparent that you have no clue what modern conservative Christians believe, and worse, that you are alienating the last core of Conservatism.