How the Left Justifies Fascism

Psychological projecting again is not debate. Sorry.

That is your go to response every time which means your in self denial and have no originality! That’s what weak fake people do! Typical and predictable!

Laughing at you! Thanks! You are the gift that keeps on giving!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Conflate much? Holy crap! The ignorance is strong with this one! Must be all that public school education at work here! So funny!:rofl::rofl:

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What does the 1st Amendment say about free speech?

How exactly does Antifa differ in any substantial way from Hitler’s Brown Shirts or the SA?

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Denial of psychological projection is very evident…I can’t help with this.

Hitler’s brown shirts were fascists and RW…they were not Antifa. You are the one that is trying to confuse the two that’s why you keep asking questions that have already been answered by facts and history.

Well, in one respect you’d be right: the Soy Boys of AntiFa wouldn’t have been manly enough for the brown shirts, why I sometimes call them the brown stains / brown pants.

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Yeah :roll_eyes: they’re anti-fascist who use fascist tactics!

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This thread. This board has so much potential and you Amerifats just ruin it.

You all unironically use the term “liberal” to refer to leftists, like some completely uneducated baby boomers on a Sean Hannity appreciation Facebook page.

None of you have any idea what you are talking about.

So every American who posts here that you disagree with is fat?

Boards tend to thrive when there is debate. Imagine how it would “thrive” if you posted a topic, everyone agreed and just gave you a like with no comment.

It would be a hopping place full of “potential”. :smirk:

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You failed to answer the question. In practice how are they substantially different?

Really? Why don’t you explain the American left for us.

LOL - Antifa is not anti- fascist, they are anarcho - communist, they are a bunch of middle and upper middle class white losers who live in Mom’s basement and like to get together in gangs to assault people. They always use standoff - i.e. pepper spray to attack those who are similarly armed because they are cowards. They love to call anyone conservative, anyone who supports Trump or the GOP Nazis so they can assault them.

If they were really standing up to fascism, why the black masks? To hide their identity when they are (as they almost always do) assaulting the unarmed and defenseless. For you to defend these boneheads makes me suspect you might be one.


Fascism is the most politically misunderstood doctrine in human history. George Orwell said that fascism was anything that was unpleasant. Mussolini stated that fascism was a tool to gain power but not to govern people. Modern fascism was developed by Giovanni Gentile, and I can assure you it is an extreme leftest doctrine. Regretfully Hitler hijacked its original purposes which ended up with a brutal dictatorship. Mussolini was correct, he used the leftest ideas to hoodwink the Italian Public. Check the following link:

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Thanks for proving my point once again!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Copy and paste your unoriginal same go to lines next time, why put in the effort of trying to think of something wittier? :rofl:

Brewmaster is a self loathing communist wanker who only comes here to vent with his alter ego in hating all things American. He offers very little in the way of intelligent conversation and usually is just full of shit most of the time! The truth is the froggy boy probably hates himself so much that he drinks himself stupid just to forget how miserable his life truly is! Pathetic and sad!

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This sadly applies to you in every painful detail.
I give you credit for (halfway intelligent) vitriol, though.

Yeah, coming from a person who regularly screams for attention here like a little bitch by derailing other people’s threads because no one gives a shit about your stupid thread topics that you create! Just look at the number responses to them to know that to be true! So you know what you can do with you white knighting here! I would imagine the only reason you are responding to me is because he’s probably another one your incarnated pseudo alias Maggot, you simply couldn’t help yourself!

What party is that??? America has a Republican Party and a Democratic Party…:man_shrugging: