How do you know the ballots are legit after election!?

Continue to live in your fantasy land.

Every attempt by Trump and his fringe legal team to try and shoe horn him into a second term have failed.

Where is the Kraken? Where is this huge reveal promised by Trump today? Where is pence rolling out a Dominion voting machine.

Judges appointed by Trump, even SC Judges appointed by Trump have continually shot down legal challenge after legal challenge. Even Trumps own AG said they found no evidence of widespread fraud that would change the result.

A conspiracy that would involve county officials, election officials, judges, journalists, members. of congress is just plain ridicolous.

But Trump has raised an additional $200m from this scam. Do you really think he has spent $200m plus on legal challenges? Of course now.

So the thousands of sworn affidavits are settled? Did Fulton county allow observation of ballots?

The ballot Boxes on side walks? Come one man! Lol cheating

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Well, I’m convinced. We need to go ahead and start planning to cheat in 2024. Obviously, following the law isn’t going to work. It’s like fighting terrorists. You play by the rules and they don’t, you lose.

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What’s stopping anyone from cheating? Judges? Lol congress?!

Actually that wasn’t claimed. All 16 US intelligence agencies confirmed that Russia was interfering in it, and Mueller issued indictments for 13 Russians involved in it…

But evidence hasn’t been produced that would indicate Russia’s success in actually impacting the results thereof.

Not a damn thing.

I do look for Conservative states to tighten up election laws in the next 2 years and improve the system. Liberal states will just double down as it’s their guaranteed path to power.

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There you have it. I never did believe that retrumplicans were opposed to cheating to begin with.