How Do You Defeat White Supremacy in White Countries?

Don’t be silly.

The best solution is to teach young whites the fact that there is a planned white genocide going on, and that the TV and school education is taken over by the enemy.

Incel alert thread…

I want someone to explain how this guy, a combat veteran with Conservative values is different than me. (Other than I’m not as smart, wasn’t an officer and wasn’t a member of Congress. :wink: )

Seriously. We both believe in a strong national defense. We both served. We both have a combat patch, though I would argue he deserves his more. We both believe in small government. We both had great parents that taught us to respect others. The list goes on and on folks. We’re probably 95% the same in thought, yet some idiots on the left want everyone to think we’re different because he’s darker than I am.