Who would have thought a who’s who list of progressives could all run and expect people other than the party faithful to vote for them, yet they do.
The enigma of the moderate Democrat must end if the Democratic Party hopes to save this nation from Trump. The left seem to think we all need to be saved from Trump even though as a nation we are far above anything the left could provide.
The campaign story of moderate and progressive Democrats in 2020 is the story of their division.
Why can’t they unite in a common willingness to admit when their candidates are unelectable? How many independents could support a Sanders? How many from the GOP could support a Bloomberg?
Last night I heard GIVE billions to minorities , more jobs to minorities , more billions for Section 8 housing , reparations , minorities selling legal weed , expunge prison records of all minorities , legalize pot , free college , more minorities admitted into college , free healthcare , 90 plus trillion in NEW spending followed by and TAX BIG CORPORTIONS , is it any wonder democrat controlled Cities end up in rubble ? Will the dummycrats ever learn paying braindead morons $15 plus an hour and raising TAXES on businesses sends JOBS overseas ? How many more Detroit’s will we see in our future .
Just a few free things the dummycrats promised …
*Alternate Energy
*Sick Days
*Doubling the EIC
*Family Leave
*Certain Lending
*Foreign Aid
*Mental Health Counseling
*Military Engagements
*Increases To Current Entitlement Programs
*Money For Everyone, Monthly, Just Because
Bernie is a certified IDIOT! He wants to move the US Embassy back to Tel Aviv. After several Presidents in a row promised to move it to Jerusalem (and didn’t), President Trump finally did it…and now this stupid bastard, Bernie the Red wants to move it back.
Will go unfulfilled Bernie’s pipe dreams cost OVER 100 trillion !
$60 Trillion Socialized Health Insurance Overhaul.
$ 3 trillion Mass Bailout of Student Loan Debt.
$ 3 trillion Implementing ‘National Rent Control’.
$ 18 trillion Enacting a Green New Deal.
$ 30 trillion for 15 an hour plus FULL benfits
$ 3 trillion federal guaranteed-jobs programs
$ 2 trillion to provide universal prekindergarten and child care.
$ 3 trillion infrastructure initiatives.
$2.5 trillion to build affordable housing
$200 billion Nationalizing the Internet.
$81 billion to write off all medical debt
When take into account assets of EVERY man women and child add up to 97 trillion, WOW BERNIE REALLY ?
You could seize the total wealth of the top 10% and not pay for all of these pie in the sky plans for a decade much less do it paying for it out of income taxes.
Why nothing from the Follywood celebrities that hang on every wotd he says like its from the Bibel and fall all over him.The same with the high paid athletes. Unless they’re " grandfathered " , they have alot to loose in his tax scheme.
This bill will also extend the solvency of Social Security into the year 2070 – ensuring that Social Security can pay every benefit owed to every eligible American for the next 50 years.
One of my personal favorites.
Details lacking:
Will they raise the benefits of the wealthy as they pay in more?
Whats the impact on employers as they pay more in taxes?
As SS is a pay as you go system, how do you extend solvency?