High Levels of Radiation Detected Across the East Coast After Mysterious Drone Sightings

Radiation levels have dramatically increased in New York City after the “mysterious” drone sightings were discovered hovering around the East Coast in recent weeks. The new revelations result in officials warning Americans to “prepare for the worst.”

According to GQ Electronics’ Geiger Counter World Map, high emissions levels were detected near the Bronx and the Upper West Side of New York City. The radiation reading scale measured 1048 counts-per-minute (CPM), or the number of particles detected. This exceeds the average number of particles detected by the 200 counts-per-minute safety threshold. In comparison, the average person is usually exposed to background radiation that measures about five to 60 CPM.

In the event of a nuclear device, possibly a so-called “dirty bomb” being detonated on the US mainland, the entire country would be thrown into chaos. Chang went on: “The detonation of a nuclear device on American soil will not only cause panic but it will cause, at least for some time an inability of this inept government to take care of people.

He said that he drew parallels between the current drone “flap” and the 2023 “spy balloon” crisis – when a Chinese craft was spotted in US airspace. Americans have become complacent when it comes to defending their country’s borders, saying: “We are risk-averse because we’ve lived in peace for a long time. But we’re no longer in a peaceful world.”

In both cases, Chang saw “the apparent failure of the federal government – both the military and the president to protect the American people,” and he believes that China’s leadership is now ready to go to war against America.