Hidden In The DHS Draft Budget

Haven’t you heard? America is hooked on opioids…so good luck with the wakeup call. :no smiley face:

“Big Educatrion” - But no one complains that college tuition has gone through the roof and far outpaced inflation,

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… to this I would add that the inflation of tuition sometimes seems, per anecdotal tales, like it’s been worse in departments where it’s difficult to measure the goodness of results, far away from degrees like engineering or science or even that part of language studies that deals with the mechanics of writing and communication.

That not only have these ballooned in the sheer numbers of students but it seems like they’ve managed to get a giant sucking sound out of said student’s pocketbooks.

Life is not like a box of chocolates, it’s like a plate of chilies … what you do today may burn your butt tomorrow.

No one? I know a hell of a lot of parents who are complaining and Tucker Carlson speaks on the subject regularly.

I’ll give the Chinese credit for building our railroads; that is, the Irish & Chinese laborers. The Irish handled the lay out & engineering, and the Chinese were the laborers. The surgeon who saved my wife’s life was from Ghana. Came to the USA ( legally ) to be educated. When he retired, he returned to Ghana, to open a clinic for children. An honorable man.

The Chinese laborers worked almost exclusively on the western part of the railroads coming out of California.

Freed blacks, Irish, and hispanics did most of the work east of the Rockies.

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And… where’s the punchline?
(notice I changed your first word) :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a lot of truth in that rewrite.

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