Help finding a logical fallacy in this flowchart

re. the homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz-Birkenau, specifically the cyanide-laced hair used to help prove their existence (as homicidal chambers rather than delousing chambers) at Nuremberg

I’m looking for a way to debunk this that isn’t ludicrous or overly theoretical. personally I can’t find a way out of the flowchart apart from at the bottom-left bit regarding pranking/framing

reference material to understand what the chart is talking about exactly:

You would think cutting their domes was to keep them healthy. And why waste so much time I can’t image how long that took


Prisoners at Auschwitz, as in other German concentration camps, had all the hair on their bodies cut and shaved off during the induction procedures. This procedure was applied for reasons of hygiene and escape prevention. The SS Economic-Administrative Main Office directed to store prisoners’ hair and sell it to German companies as an industrial raw material. The hair of ■■■■■■ women murdered in the gas chambers was also put to use. Women had their hair cut off before they entered the gas chambers at the Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka extermination centers, but at Auschwitz the hair was sheared from corpses. The hair obtained in this manner was next disinfected, dried, packed in sacks and sold to German companies as raw material for haircloth and felt. Bales of haircloth and almost two tons of hair belonging to almost 40,000 people can be seen at the Auschwitz Memorial.

Prisoners at Auschwitz, as in other German concentration camps, had all the hair on their bodies cut and shaved off during the induction procedures. This procedure was applied for reasons of hygiene and escape prevention. The SS Economic-Administrative Main Office directed to store prisoners’ hair and sell it to German companies as an industrial raw material. The hair of ■■■■■■ women murdered in the gas chambers was also put to use. Women had their hair cut off before they entered the gas chambers at the Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka extermination centers, but at Auschwitz the hair was sheared from corpses. The hair obtained in this manner was next disinfected, dried, packed in sacks and sold to German companies as raw material for haircloth and felt. Bales of haircloth and almost two tons of hair belonging to almost 40,000 people can be seen at the Auschwitz Memorial.

you need to follow the flowchart with those two. they are dealt with.

for Auschwitz: look at the square-ish box on the left in the vertical middle: “why did prisoners have…”
for Reinhardt: look at the box immediately under the pic of the shaved women, then follow it on the right-side fork.

I am baffled by this chart and I can’t find a way to debunk it
it’s really bothering me

LOL, clearly you believe the Germans did not kill millions of ■■■■■■ people. There is nothing that can be presented to change your mind as there is nothing that would convince a democrat that Biden is a dementia case.

The moon is also made of Swiss cheese.

great contribution. I’m trying to debunk the chart - did you not read that bit?

Gas chambers existed but they were too puny for humans to enter.
Germany used Zyklon B, a known agricultural insecticide, to kill lice that caused typhus outbreaks.

Holohoax was invented years after WWII ended.

well I must admit I used to believe it but because of this flowchart I have started to doubt it.
I just can’t see how to disprove this (logically, not with evidence or lack thereof)
I am wracking my brain

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To reduce the chance of typhus infection.


Zyklon B is not strong enough to kill humans.