Hell yeah! Americans are storming the capital! SURRENDER!

He’s blm he was at BLM rallies all summer

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Completely fake video that is not Trump

“Today there was a mostly peaceful demonstration at the Capital” said none of the media.


It’s Trump on his twitter feed.

I know I mentioned in a different comments section before you posted and I said it’s a fake video

Who remembers when Democrats stormed the capital? It was just a couple years ago

As a protester at the rally? Protesting the election results, or at the capital rioting and engaging in violence and vandalism of America’s capital…:thinking:

Creating a constitutional crisis will have your capital invaded stop cheating

Amazing :flushed:

The so called party of law and order applauding lawlessness and anarchy…

None of you has a legitimate complaint about anything.


Not just a mob, a mob of anti American pieces of absolute SHIT, lead by a fat ass big mouth who has less than two weeks to trash this wonderful country on his way out the door.

We’ll never let Trump or his thuggish supporters anywhere near the reigns of power again…!!!

Oh my, you claim he lost but he’s in your head lol

It’s all good when your side burns buildings, throws fire bombs, takes over sections of cities, etc…though, eh? Talk about hypocrisy…lol.

Why would the media promote such a damnable lie like that. Fuck these pieces of shit that attacked America’s democratic institutions today…

What did you lefties do to David Dorn?

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No it’s not ok. Take your best shot at quoting me ever saying that. You weren’t around this year but I condemned rioters and looters regularly…

LOL… they sure as hell promoted it while your side was doing it for days on end.

Doing what days on end?

Well, if you did, that’s good. I wasn’t calling “you” out personally… just the hypocrisy of the Left in general.


But I’m here alone, and speaking for myself. And it’s retrumplicans displaying the hypocrisy now by applauding this mob of unAmerican terrorists that stormed our country’s capital while the full congress was in session. As Pence just this moment said, they did not win, violence and vandalism never win.

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