Hell Yeah! Absolutely Badass Texas to Loosen Firearm Laws, Allowing Guns in Churches and on School Grounds

True, he’s the only one that knows. No question about it being stupid…:roll_eyes:

There are also going to be folks who test the limits of open carry. I think that’s a stupid move right now because they’re only going to attract negative attention.

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Maybe even get killed…

We should have always been allowed to. No better place to make sure you and yours are safe.

Given the success of their gun control laws Chicago should outlaw books.

Literacy would skyrocket.


My hat is off to you Ru, absolutely brilliant.

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Yeah well, pity that your god is impotent to protect you when you’re at your most vulnerable, huddled in prayer to him…:roll_eyes:

The Lord appoints outer limits to the time and places we get to spend here. And that’s perfectly fine. Your focus on the odd time that things go “horribly wrong” in human terms ignores when they haven’t, when people might die but they didn’t. These we could put under what some call “permissive will”.

But as for your assertion that prayer is futile, well, that’s not been my experience.

Here we’ve got a problem because my experiences, though I certainly would not be lying to you, are not open to your inspection the way Scripture is so I reason the best I can manage (my experiences not being the Word whereby you might be saved if you heed Him) would be to impress you with my sincerity.

Yes, I would say I’ve experienced immediately answered prayers … in my case and to no credit to me these have mostly been times when I needed rescue from my own sin nature. So I’m no (“Ha ha!”) titan of heroic anything like Robin Hood in that one Dr Who episode about robots in Sherwood. I’m not even sure I’d qualify for Daffy Duck’s Robin Hood level of hero of the faith (I’m sure there’s someone like that, somewhere, somewhen). But yeah … I’ve “experiences”.

God isn’t concerned with our earthly well being, his concern is with our faithfulness and eternal lives.

God never promised to protect us from all harm, he gave us the ability to protect ourselves.

Yes well, the imagination is strong.

imagination doesn’t give power. Imagination, when it comes to sin, only makes you more powerless.

I’ll be honest, my fuse was a hell of a lot shorter in public before I carried a gun. Now, I have more patience because I know I have a lethal weapon on me and I’ll be held to a higher standard. This is one of the primary reasons I support the LTC laws. On one hand, I’m annoyed that they exist because the 2nd doesn’t require permission to exercise. On the other hand, I think law abiding citizens put a bit more thought into their actions know they have a LTC that comes with extra penalties for breaking laws.

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Not exactly, there was no mass shooting to stop and no intent to commit one.

Same here. Honestly for a long time after I first got out of the service I didn’t trust myself enough to carry a handgun.

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