Democrats are losing control of their party. Warmongering isn’t popular
This thread is about stories of politicians being heckled as it is getting pretty obvious that war mongering is not very popular these days as evidenced with Hakeem Jefferies recent appearance in the video below. Being heckled, booed maybe even a few pieces of trash thrown their way is well overdue by a fed up American electorate who didn’t sign up for giving away our treasury to foreign nations that they have no stake in.
Why is it we continue to hear about mistreatment of j-e-w-s and they control our politics -Congress , senate , banks , media , entertainment , etc . We hear less and less about the mistreatment of Chinese Americans targeted by blacks . Less about the average white male targeted by the left , media , blacks , latinos , illegals etc.
I call them the"WJL" who pretty much vote democrat. So yes they ruin everything and are 90% behind most of the worlds problems today. They along with every other liberal is the plague of humanity!