Has trump derangement syndrome become a national security threat?

We just saw Biden Derangement Syndrome result in a bunch of terrorists try to overthrow the government.
Where exactly is the security threat of TDS?

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Well when the gov allows cheating

If Biden cheated, Trump’s lawyers would have presented evidence in court.
What this is really about is Trumpists wanting to eliminate Democracy.

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Seems like no evidence was allowed to be presented. I wonder why?


It is in court… no one is in jail for perjury

That could not be farther from the truth.

It is the Democrat Party that continually ignores our constitution.

It is the Democrat Party that wants to abolish the Electoral College.

It is the Democrat Party that wants to pack the SCOTUS to create a third legislative body consisting of non-elected activist justices.

It is the Democrat Party that wants to create a national police force. (A different shade of the German SS … That was on Obubba’s want list.)

It is the Democrat Party that condones the weaponizing of the FBI, the IRS, the CIA to harass political opponents.

It is the Democrat Party that wants to unconstitutionally disarm the American public.

It is the Democrat Party that promotes the destruction of family values.

It is the Democrat Party that opposed the abolition of slavery.

It is the Democrat Party that founded the KKK.

The Democrat Party it full of anti-American ideals.

I suggest you take some serious history lessons and stop drinking the leftist Kool-Aid.

Our system of government is not a Democracy. It is a Constitutional Republic.

History Lesson #1 for you:

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You are correct. Sour grapes from the retrumplicans is all this is. Trump was briefed on Iran’s nuclear program just two weeks before the election, and told that they had now 12 times the enriched uranium than they did when he stupidly pulled out of the JCPOA. The threat to national security is/was Trump and America has solved that problem nicely and he leaves with his lowest approval rating now… :blush:

So much evidence still keeps pouring out… no one voted for you joe. No one

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He had a whole lot of help from the Republican Party…:thinking::thinking:

The United States is a representative democracy. This means that our government is elected by citizens. Here, citizens vote for their government officials. These officials represent the citizens’ ideas and concerns in government.

This is Biden’s pick for health secretary.
In his role in Pennsylvania. He removed his parents from elderly homes, and flooded them with COVID patients and thousands died…

He’s also a man, dressed as a woman.

Tds is going to get us all killed…

I will agree with that.

The security threat is Bidens BUTT KISSING of the Communist Chinese govt. and the money his family received from them.
TDS also comes from thevVommiecrats JEALOUSY Pres. Trump calling out Communist China , actively opposing Iran and making countries respect the USA. Pres Trump has done more to avoid confrontation with NK and Iran.
What Commiecrat would have the common sense to meet with Lil Kim twice in an attempt for him to improve things for the people.
The Commiecrats have done nothing ( zero) to help Pres Trump in a bipartisan way because he defeated Queen Hillary I.

Is this the first gender test for the Biden Admin??? What a BUTT UGLY SHEMALE!!!

They know that we argue people are a ticking clock about to strike 12. We formed this country due to poor representation (none), and now, we have our voices being muffled by idiots.

A bit overboard on the comment.

Exactly how were they over throwing the government???

Were they all to take control of communication facilities across the country?
Are they able to take control of the military cross the country?
Were they able to capture anyone to hold hostage?

Seems it was not unlike what the left dd all summer across the country destroying property except they didn’t loot buildings nor dd they light fires.

Presented evidence? Evidence is collected via investigations. The allegations were provided to the states who refused to investigate the allegations. The democrats in DC and the states affected knew exactly what they were doing. Running out the clock and deny, deny, deny. Then lie and say nothing here.

Experts compared records of voters as to name, address, and date of birth; this catches people who use middle initials or married names when they vote more than once, to hide duplication. Social Security death records were used to identify dead “voters.” The USPS address list was used to flag commercial addresses. In searching for absentee voters, they took care to exclude military voters and students, yet still found 19,000 out-of-state voters. They used motor vehicle registrations to flag non-citizen voters. In all, they turned up 130,000 unique instances of voter fraud.

Yet they were not allowed to do a complete audit in Arizona.

But the explanation is simple:
Joe Biden recently bragged that Democrats have created the “most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”

“We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” he said.

Apparently he was telling the truth and not having a dementia moment.

Yep, they lost in a landslide so burn the house down……

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They did, AG’s have to look in to it

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Evidence requires investigation which has never been done leaving the country with the allegations of fraud.

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Evidence requires investigation which has never been done laving he country with the allegations of fraud.

Don;t tell anyone, this is a republic.