About 2 years. As soon as democrats started seeing a little weakening they started doing everything they could to undermine the war effort and have continued since.
As bad as 9-11 was on the scale of sneak attacks it really wasn’t very bad.
I hate to even post this publicly but consider this.
How much higher would the toll have been had they conducted follow up attacks with smaller CAA aircraft loaded with fuel/oil bombs targeting places like the bridges and tunnels that were snarled and locked down and times square?
Not only would the casualties at least have tripled the infrastructure damage would have been immense.
How about if they’d conducted similar attacks to those on the twin towers on the biggest skyscrapers in a dozen more cities?
As bad as 9-11 was it really only directly affected a very small number of people in NY, NJ, and Connecticut
the latter two of which are bedroom communities/states for people working in NYC.
If I had planned that attack my goal would have been at least 100k casualties and two dozen iconic skyscrapers along with 3 times that number of secondary infrastructure targets.
It would take something on that scale to really raise the ire of the country to a level needed for us to manage the political will to really prosecute the WOT to it’s necessary end.
Half assing it the way we have has done nothing but create the longest war in US history with no real end in sight.
Remember my solution to the Somali Pirates?
Track them back to their bases of operation and flatten them and everyone providing support to them.
How well did that go over with the “moderates” and lefties at that other place?
You will never win a war simply with pinpricks in response to bad acts, you have to destroy the enemy’s will and or ability to continue on the fight.
Hell, look at how the world reacts every time Israel sends a few shells or missiles targeting the rocket and mortar launch sites in Gaza or blows up their tunnels under the border. Even in our own country many see those completely justified counter attacks as war crimes.