Gun Control Activist Shaun King Complains He Can’t Get A Gun, Defends Buying $40K Guard Dog

By now everyone knows the moral relativist (I can be any race that I choose) Black Lives Matter advocate Shaun King who is white but claims to be black. Well he is back in the news again and this time its when he decided to spend $40,000 dollars of his hard earned supporters money on a guard dog.

This bit of news is one for the ages where Gun and 2nd amendment advocate Colion Noir tears apart King’s contradiction and reasoning when it comes to Gun control issues that he pretends to support. But to cap it off, Shaun King tries to justify his buying the $40,000 dollar guard dog by using the issue of strict gun control laws in the states he frequents the most such as New York and New Jersey. Not only that but in the past King also advocated for de-funding the police so his contradiction on why he must have such an expensive guard dog is on a next level lunacy and grift. BLM is a another form of grifting money for a cause built on false pretenses, and Shaun King’s usage to buy expensive guard dogs and houses should seriously warrant a audit from the IRS. That is if the agency wasn’t one that is compromised with ideological appointments that support the Marxist take over of America, but I digress. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The point is, he wouldn’t have to spend such money for protection if the war on police and toxic masculinity were not something rotting away the culture of such blue states that he currently advocates for and lives in. Its such idiocy that endangers the rest of us all that such stupidity is allowed to go unchallenged, and especially by Shaun King who is someone pretending to be someone he is not is pretty much the level of insanity we have reached as a country. Shaun King needs to be stuffed into a locker and forgotten about. In reality, he is a white liberal trying to be outraged for others and there is a lot of that going around these days. People like him are mere symptoms of a decaying culture devoid of common sense and accountability that normally would take such contradictions to task to call it out and shine a light on it. Such morons are part of the problem and not the solution and this is just one example out of many when speaking about Shaun King.


Preach gun control and defunding police and spend $40,000 on a fucking dog MORONS !!!


Colion Noir makes more sense and is more intelligent than 99% of Congress. I watch a lot of his vids.

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Dogs like that take a lot of time and energy to keep healthy and happy. I have a 120 lb. Amercan Bulldog (Scott Performance) that requires more time and energy than I am able to give him. I walk him twice a day and try to play with him in the evening and he still isn’t getting the work he needs.

I should have did a little research into the breed before I said yes to taking him. This happens a lot with these type of dogs.

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Message to libtards on their woke gun control narratives!


This is the dog in the Tom and Jerry cartoons. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I always been a Border Collie or Labrador kind of dog owner. My next dog is a Belgian Malinoise. I have one now named “Chico” and absolutely love him but he needs a companion and I of the mind set two is better than one. Also helps having a big enough yard for them to roam in. Chico goes everywhere with me, like my good buddy.

Malinois are very intelligent and need a lot of exercise/work. They are not a good house dog for that reason. They are good with people and kids, but they require so much time and energy on your part. This is why you see them mainly in police and protection applications.

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Yep that’s an AmBull. Mine is black and white with black dalmation spots all over.

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I agree, but my dog “Chico” is the exception. They are usually high energy dogs, but if you like spending time outdoors as much as I do, they usually adapt well and it balances out in the end. Not for every one though. I would consider a Yellow lab too than getting another BM.

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