Greatest genocide in history?

Rule of thumb if you don’t know anything about biochemistry and genetics, like me:
Say NO to what the mass media praises and touts as the solution to the problem. (Such problems are created in the first place to promote the “solutions”)

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He makes good points

As I suspected: Naomi Rebekah Wolf A former feminist icon and best-selling author, Naomi Wolf has become an anti-vaxxer banned by Twitter for spreading misinformation about COVID-19. The article traces her transformation from a champion of women’s rights to a believer in conspiracy theories and pseudoscience.

During the early days of the Plan-demic, few people knew what exactly was happening, including this forum.

In the last 4 years or so, many people including doctors and virologists changed their views as new information became available. Only idiots stick to some preconceived notions.

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Problem — Create a problem for the sheep (Covid)
Reaction — Create panic among the sheep (Joo media)
Solution — Offer a “solution” for the sheep who gleefully accept it (Vax)

  1. The Holocaust

Death Count: 5 – 17 million
Location: Nazi Europe
Years: 1939-1945
Leader: Adolf Hitler

The Red Cross figure:
(1/4 of a million, including various nationalities who died of malnutrition and diseases)

The “holocaust” is a lie.

“Holocaust” is a lie. From the Red Cross

271,304 dead of various nationalities

52,000 plus in Auschwitz