Rule of thumb if you don’t know anything about biochemistry and genetics, like me:
Say NO to what the mass media praises and touts as the solution to the problem. (Such problems are created in the first place to promote the “solutions”)
He makes good points
As I suspected: Naomi Rebekah Wolf A former feminist icon and best-selling author, Naomi Wolf has become an anti-vaxxer banned by Twitter for spreading misinformation about COVID-19. The article traces her transformation from a champion of women’s rights to a believer in conspiracy theories and pseudoscience.
During the early days of the Plan-demic, few people knew what exactly was happening, including this forum.
In the last 4 years or so, many people including doctors and virologists changed their views as new information became available. Only idiots stick to some preconceived notions.
Problem — Create a problem for the sheep (Covid)
Reaction — Create panic among the sheep (Joo media)
Solution — Offer a “solution” for the sheep who gleefully accept it (Vax)
Death Count: 5 – 17 million
Location: Nazi Europe
Years: 1939-1945
Leader: Adolf Hitler
The Red Cross figure:
(1/4 of a million, including various nationalities who died of malnutrition and diseases)
The “holocaust” is a lie.