I did and donated $1,000 to his campaign, and I agree with everything heffe said: Where’s the fucking wall?
Trump is an incompetent leader who seems to alienate most of the people who can help his cause. All talk, no delivery because he can’t play a team game.
I’m not sure why anyone expected different from the star of the Apprentice who ran on running the government like a business during the debates. Unless of course, they knew nothing about the man before he ran for office. I watched the show and knew I’d never want to work for the man. I certainly didn’t vote for him to run the country into the ground.
Do you think somehow Trump can just wish 800 miles of barriers into being?
The pull out from Iraq is what gave us ISIS to begin with and why we had to go into Syria to destroy them. Pulling out of Syria would do nothing but embolden them and give them a chance to reform, regroup, re equip, retrain, and make them that much harder to defeat next time around.
Worse it would extend the foothold Iran and Russia already have there and result in a decades long war to eradicate the Kurds.
I’m not so sure, he sounds a whole lot like a jilted girl friend.
The white supremacists/nationalists who thought Trump was speaking in code to him during the election convinced themselves he was one of their own when he never was and are definitely not pleased.
OK. I don’t know the mind of such people but your explanation is plausible. And it fits several idiots here. They seem to be similar to libs too in the way libs look to the president like he is some god without checks and balances from the other branches of government.
I cant tell them apart from libs who are pretending to be Trump voters who regret their vote. You know how much libs want such people to appear. Our old buddy CITM was especially desperate to find - and imagine - such unhappy Trumpers.
You’ve got it wrong. I don’t trust politicians any farther than I can throw them, and the money I sent to Trump was the first and last time I ever gave a penny to those weasels. I expect results, and I don’t accept excuses. It’s clear to me that Trump can’t get the results he was promising, and he hasn’t done enough to try to deliver. He should have fought the GOP when he had a chance of instilling some fear into them, but he couldn’t do that - he can’t even get control of his DOJ. The only fighting I’ve seen him do is on twitter and speeches. You need a lot more muscle than that to get weasels like McConnell and Ryan to fall into line, and he doesn’t have enough of it.
Weasels act out of fear, and Trump needed to know how to instill some fear into people - fear of not being re-elected. He tried appeasement instead and it resulted the way appeasement always does.
He’s used to buying his way out of problems. Government doesn’t work like running a business. Congress only has to deal with him for less than two years at worst, less than six at best, and most of them (and their owners) will still be around long after he’s gone.
One thing he could have done a year ago, when McConnell and Ryan produced their abominable budget deal, was tell them he was shutting down government and going to loudly call them a bunch of weasels unless they gave him his $25 billion wall. Try to run for re-election on that, you scumbags. He should have, by then, had his people in charge of the RNC and used a lot of arm-twisting, but he never got control of anything. Now, it’s too late.
I do know a little about what you do when members of your team are pulling in the opposite direction. If you can’t get them to pull because it’s the right thing, you get them to do it out of fear, if you can’t get rid of them.
I’m just a consumer of politics, and all I have is very low expectations. I don’t care how they get things done, but I expect them to have a plan and a strategy for getting them done. I expect someone who aspires to be President of the US to have a pretty good idea what he’s going to do and how he’s going to do it. With Trump, my expectations aren’t being met. If that’s apostasy to you, I don’t care.
Trump came in with a lot of high expectations and no understanding apparently on the limitations of the office. He also came in ignorant of our national security equation and what would be necessary to keep things in check in the ME.
He’s literally learning day by day and the learning curve has been high.
We abandoned our position in Iraq and the result was the rapid expansion of the influence of Russia and Iran in the region pushing it closer to all out war than we’ve seen in five decades. Perhaps worse was the rapid rise of ISIS and their spread like a cancer throughout the ME, Africa and even into Europe.
If we do the same in Syria we an assure a new ME crisis we’re ill prepared to react to with our dramatically scaled down military which is already overextended trying to stop the spread of ISIS and AQ affiliates throughout the region and Africa.
We’re in a new World War already and the enemy is radical Islam and the Russians are fueling it hoping it will reach a point it brings us as a nation to the breaking point.
Democrats are the unwilling enablers by dividing the country and making us too weak to do much of anything and overrunning the US with foreign invaders with their open borders policies. It’s only a matter of time before we see large scale attacks in the US by radical muslims and when that happens the wheels will start coming off of our whole society at a very rapid rate.
If only 1% of the Muslim Refugees fleeing to the west are radicals or become radicalized that adds up to thousands and thousands of potential terrorists and as we’ve seen natives in the west are converting to Islam to join the fight. Thousands of them have returned home from Syria as ISIS has been crushed as an organization and they have spread out among the native populations.
If we abandon Syria the cancer is only going to spread and do so at a phenomenal rate.
At least Trump can be persuaded by those close to him to switch gears and see reality which gives me hope that in a second term perhaps we’ll be able to make a lot of headway on dealing with those most serious challenges and chief among them is filling the courts with constitutionalists.