Gotta Remember....Iceturd is Taking A Salary from the Brock Farm!

You should heed your own advice about repetition not equaling validation. No matter how much you want to trivialize Biden’s criminal conduct with meaningless excuses nothing mitigates the conflict of interest that prompted him to condition US aid on firing the prosecutor, textbook bribery as defined by Adam Schiff. Neither official US foreign policy nor the IMF endorses bribery by public officials including Biden. :smile:

Thanks to the Snopes article you helpfully provided we can see Biden’s reaction when the Ukrainians challenged his authority to withhold US aid because he wasn’t President. Tough guy Joe told them to call the President, recognizing the President’s authority to set foreign policy independent of so-called official policy. Oops, by his own words Biden undercut the Democrat lynch moby’s rationale for impeachment. :smile:

His was protected by Obongo from investigation of this extortion. Unlike President Trump who would be investigated for sneezing wrong.

The comment implies Obama had to take some specific action to protect Biden’s Ukrainian shakedown when his hand picked AG simply ignored the obvious. Corruption by members of the administration was baked into the culture.

Oh sure, there were instances like fast and Furious and Hillary’s illegal email server where Obama’s DOJ actively covered up the administration’s illegal activity. But Biden monetizing his office as he had done for decades was just a part of business as usual. :flushed:

Wow…what a surprise…

More bullshitty to heap on the previous bullshitty…

Come back with citations.

No…openly placing conditions on aid is NOT bribery…illegally withholding aid in exchange for PERSONAL favors is.

There’s nothing more personal than pimping out your zero qualifications son as part of the VP entourage then using your office to coerce a foreign government to fire the prosecutor responsible for investigating his corruption on your behalf. That’s exactly what Biden did for son Hunter. Then he bragged about it in an incredible display of arrogance. Why not? The hate filled Resistance will ignore anything if it can bring the bad Orange man down

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