Go learn to read! I never said anything about Trump! Your TDS kicking in again!
Let’s also add obtuse to the list of your many character flaws you display here. You are obviously living in an alternate universe only to schill for the worst president in US history! Ha ha! Thanks that is pretty comedy at its best!
Of course not, Parrot. Those who gave you the stupidity you did squawk did not want to trouble your tiny mind with the knowledge trump did not even meet the bullshit they fed you about Obama that was wrong and you’ve been running from ever since.
Now, go back to running from your inability to answer Economic questions a B-student in high school could answer.
More mindless drivel on your part which essentially reveals your age!
It’s past your bedtime snowflake! I got better things to do than argue with triggered mental midgets like you! Have a nice slumber while your burp up your soy milk!
You asserted you were running from your impotence several hours ago, Squeaky. Your cliched efforts to pose manly idjit were less derivative then, girly boy. You could have spared yourself a lot of humiliation if you had skedaddled when you first tried to bluff a smokescreen for your retreats.
You ran from backing up parroted idiocy that Obama never had a year of 3% GDP, after I showed he had three of them. You crybaby-ed about insults in between your feeble insults. You tried to bluff knowledge of Economics, only to run like the punk you are when challenged to answer basic economic questions. Bottom line, you are exactly the kind of poorly educated, simpering sissy trump relies on with his declaration that he loves the poorly educated
Yeah, that otter camouflage the way you run from backing up your big mouth with anything other than crybabying about insults in between your witless insults.
Damn, I thought I had you. I was sure I had you cornered on the way you ran from backing up what you were told to squawk. I was sure you were humiliated by the way you ran from a challenge to show any knowledge of Economics. I was confident even a pathetically nobody sucker like you had learned better than to hope yet another no-pride I-know-you-are would somehow redeem your dumbassery.
Surely you know that RickyTikiTutu started this thread just to banter with users here. He doesn’t really give shit what you say as long as you waste your efforts saying it. His replies will always be meaningless drivel designed to extend the pissing contest.
And now the sissy who cannot back up his bluffs, who can only break from his feeble insults to crybaby about a “civil discussion.”
Sorry, sissy, but a “civil discussion” would begin with you dealing with the fact that your long-discredited parrotry about Obama GDP was bullshit. It would involve you admitting you know damn near nothing about Economics, instead of running from the simple questions presented to you.
“Civilized discussion,” you caterwauling little girl? Gimmee a break. The next time you do something other than parrot a moldy, long-discredited talking point your masters feed only to the most useful of idiots will be the first.
Nowhere in that hypocritical whimper do you back up your cowardly sniveling with anything other than more hypocritical sniveling. Asked to back up your Obama GDP dumbassery, you snivel. Asked to show some basic knowledge of Economics, you snivel. Asked about how you only interrupt insults with sniveling about insults, you snivel.