Here ya go, Little Cowboy!
Study these statistics.
Your Kenyan hero was a farce from the beginning. Just a smooth talking asshole that revealed his true intentions by his actions; an apologetic asshole that brought our country’s reputation down every time he bowed to a Muslim or kissed an Asian’s ass.
As a grammar nazi, you fail.
Now that you’ve shown him that he’s probably busy digging up some biased MSNBC poll that proclaims Orange Man Bad!
Sadly, that confused little boy Rachel Maddow won’t be able to help his cause.
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That is some serious ninja Ebonics there!
“Trying to take credit”?
Let me ask you again…
Do you understand economic data?
You wanna show me?
Yea…you may be too old to recall, but during Obama’s first term the country was digging out from under the Wages of Supply Side Idiocy…
Grifty inherited “near full employment” (Yelllen, January 2017), a record bull market and an expansion which will be the longest on record.
In spite of his good fortune, his shameless appropriation of his predecessors work, and kid glove media treatment Grifty can’t get above 50%.
Hey, life support system for a bunion…watch your mouth.
Your opinions don’t jive with, Little Cowboy.
Here! From their own liberal Pink commie rag known now as the “Washington Compost”.
it’s a typo…
You wanna see ninja ebonics?
Practice your pigeon English. You’ll make a lot more sense.
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I didn’t offer you “opinions”, dotard.
Allow me to demonstrate -
Inclusive of Feb 2020, how many net new jobs per month did we average
under The Grifter?
Is that more or less than the monthly average for the 3 years prior to his inauguration?
That’s Andy Pudzer…he’s an idiot…it’s irresponsible to print his tripe…
Ask me to prove it…
You never told me whether you wanted to see an example of “ninja ebonics”
Another Deplorable crybaby. On “Day One,” the pampered brat you fluff had Regressives in control of the House, Senate, and Supreme Court. Loss of the House after two years was a direct result of his own incompetence and repulsiveness. And, while Obama inherited the Great Rightard Recession, trump inherited a strong and growing economy. In fact, the last three years of the Obama economy were better by most metrics than were the last three years of the trump economy. And, Obama didn’t have to use trickle-on free-lunch tax cuts that have exploded our deficits, as trump did in a feeble effort to keep up. And, trump has extensive experience as an inheritor. Too bad he can’t use laundering Russian money to save his economic inheritance, as he did to salvage the squandering of what daddy gave him.
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Well by your logic the same argument can be applied to Bill Clinton too! Obama was the first President in US history not to reach an annual GDP growth rate above 3% and of course we won’t mention the inflated figures of jobs growth due to increased part time job hires that his rob “Peter to pay Paul” scheme known as the ACA created! Which BTW is considered a epic failure by the left and right.
Republicans Who Watch Fox News More Likely to Believe COVID-19 Falsehoods: New Poll
The novel coronavirus pandemic—which has already infected nearly half a million victims and claimed more than 16,000 lives in the United States alone—is proving to be significantly more lethal than the seasonal flu.
Yet 58 percent of self-identified Republicans who depend on Fox News, Breitbart, and other conservative media outlets for information about the public-health crisis erroneously believe that COVID-19 is “less deadly or as deadly as” influenza.
That’s according to the results of a new public-opinion survey released Thursday by the Knight Foundation and the Gallup polling organization.
The novel coronavirus pandemic—which has already infected nearly half a million victims and claimed more than 16,000 lives in the United States alone—is proving to be significantly more lethal than the seasonal flu.Yet 58 percent of self-identified Republicans who depend on Fox News, Breitbart…
In other equally shocking news, scientists reported that it was daylight at noon today.
With inarticulate gibberish like that, you should apply to be a trump speech writer. The only part I could kinda decipher into English was stupidity asserting the ACA is considered an epic failure by both the right and the left. Remarkable how trump and Regressives could not get rid of such a “failure,” despite control of all three branches of government.
You really need to work on your parrotry, Polly.
It’s epically hilarious watching you flounder like the great fish you are! When you resort to name calling and insults you already conceded you lost the argument! Way to be partisan to support your obvious confirmation bias!
Thanks I am good here. Have a good evening!