You don’t know whether or not I have sympathy for the victims of violence. And posting anything about it here might give you the warm and fuzzy but the family will never be benefited by it.
Monte is partially correct. There are allegations that have to proven in court.Innocent until proven guilty.
There is noway I’ll ever excuse this.He did rape this young girl and pay the penalty. If he is illegal he must be deported hopefully in a body bag.
I’m glad he was arrested before the father found him , only because of the Liberals outrage against him if he would have killed him.
Well you haven’t shown any in other similar threads.
Again, other than appeasing the racists who only post threads relevant to crimes committed by people of color, legal or “illegal”, who’s benefited.
Monte’s here just to piss people off.
All alleged according to the op…
Illegal is a crime, Monte.
No illegal here, no crime.
What exactly do you not understand about this?
That is a troll by definition.
Then you agree that this has no bearing on google.
Illegal or not, a monster is a monster is a monster. A rabid animal is a rabid animal; and must be handled like a rabid animal. Only one recourse, only one option.