Google 'immediately' censored ads featuring Trump, but not Harris, executives say

“We’ve had more account suspensions, ad disapproval for ads that have been running for 18 months, in the last six months,” Cardone Enterprises President Jarrod Glandt also told Fox Digital.

“We just had two more accounts suspended on Monday on both Meta and on Google than we have in the previous 10 years we’ve been running traffic online,” Glandt said. “I’ve never seen anything like this. I’ve had outside agencies look at it. They can’t figure it out. It’s completely absurd.”

In a now-viral Instagram reel posted earlier this month, Cardone explained how his 10X Studios account had uploaded an original 10X-branded advertisement, when an automated Google review said that video was “ineligible” for monetization due to “election advertising,” until Cardone allegedly changed one video title and thumbnail to feature Kamala Harris. The version featuring Harris ran from Sept. 4 to Sept. 11, and Google didn’t flag and remove that ad until Sept. 17, Cardone claimed.

Research psychologist, Dr. Robert Epstein, has studied how effective Google’s search algorithms are at promoting bias in favor of leftist narratives by over 20%.
And people whose opinions have been swayed by Google don’t have any idea that they’ve been manipulated. Google & Microsoft crush anyone who makes an attempt to offer competitive products. They should not be allowed to promote misinformation to sway votes


Google is going to be broken up soon. They lost.

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A federal judge ordered Microsoft broken up two decades ago, but the company headed off that outcome with a successful appeal. Money always wins !!

Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff] issued a letter to major social media executives this week demanding they reveal how they will combat “misinformation” and “disinformation” in the 2024 election. How ironic indeed .

What about all the misinformation and disinformation that Adam Schiff delivered during the Russia Russia Russia hoax. He told America everyday that he would provide evidence of the collusion between Russia and Trump. It’s really rich that Adam Schiff, the biggest provider of misinformation and disinformation, wants to stop some supposed and fantasy misinformation from others. He just wants to silence the opposition who publish the truth and expose liars like himself.
Disinformation for democrats is anything that doesn’t agree with their narrative.
The Russia hoax , Hunter Biden laptop being fake , the border is secure .

The ONLY good thing Google did was break up hundreds of news outlets and put them and their lies out of business for good .

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Not this time! Do you want to make a bet on it?

Shithead got shellacked in last night’s debate with Steve Garvey. I don’t think he is going to be around much longer to even matter.

If by chance it gets broken up the pieces will slither back together, like the T-1000 in Terminator 2.

Schiff is a main component of the swamp so he will be around to destroy the Country .

I doubt it. He will be facing a lot of trouble like all Democrats from the Russia Russia collusion scandal and impeachment fiasco. The winds of change are upon us my friend if Trump is back in office.

Very big IF … Do you think this election will be ANY different from 2020 ? Did you overlook the 15 million MORE illegals that entered our Country during this administration ? When was the last time dems played FAIR ???
The media and social media is a very powerful weapon and they are pulling very trick in the book to make Trump look horrible !!!
Hell Hollywood made a movie about Trump and the Apprentice making him appear as a rapist , only caring about the rich , and the New York slumlord who becomes a ruthless real-estate mogul.
Cheung added that the movie is “pure malicious defamation” and “should not see the light of day.”

Trump will win. I have no doubt. If he loses by election irregularities then there is no precedent to be eating crow because cheating in elections will be the end of all of us.

We are there my friend NOW .

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I agree with everything you said, but I think it’s different this time, and I think Trump will win… despite any attempted cheating.

This time, the country (people) have had 4 years of the woke/progressive “leadership” to gauge against the Trump years compaired to the “woke” years. More black men and women are supporting Trump this time, as are numerous “others” that didn’t in 2020… and all the people that stay quiet and say nothing about their support of Trump after experiencing the wonderful 4 years of the woke establisment. As we all know, Trump would have won handily in 2020 if not for the cheating of the evil ones. I don’t think that any amount of cheating can stop Trump this time. The people will see to it… I hope. Hows that for being confident? :joy:

…and… maybe it’s just me (I don’t think so), but I feel/believe that God has had his hand in this up to this point… and will have a say in this come November.

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Forget what current polls are saying too! Kamel toe is polling worst than Hillary who BTW still lost despite leading in every poll in the 2016. So what does that tell you? They will need a very big penis for Kamala in order for her to get over the finish line! Kamala is so unpopular that they will need to buy depends to wipe all the liberal tears for when they lose again this time around. I smell a landslide like Reagan.

If you could see the number of Harris / Walz sign you would freak out , I can’t believe there are that many stupid people in Indiana !!!

And don’t forget the power of the media , Google , Fuckfook , oprah, Taylor , Hollywood , you seem to forget there are around 70% of the population can’t think for themselves .

Kamala Harris presidential campaign raised more than $1 billion in less than 3 months: report

‘The federal reports detailing the fundraising totals for September are required to be made public later this month,’ the New York Times reported