Global Ramifications of the New Zealand Mosque Shootings

In another piece I read it did say the charges were “distributing objectionable material” but the judge also said it was a “hate crime” against the muslim community. In this day and age hate crime encompasses all kinds of petty crap. It’s fast becoming the tool of choice in silencing all right leaning views.

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Ive read it was the law in NZ that it is a hate crime, so it goes to show you how some societies are today, and why I hope and pray America doesn’t lose its 1st amendment rights.

I hear in the UK you cant say anything about Islam, transgendered etc, In Canada the same thing.
its sad what is happening to free speech.


It is strange to me that any government can pass a hate crime bill into a law that protects a theocracy that calls for its supporters to kill all people that refuse to believe as they do.

…one that throws gays off rooftops.

…one that promotes honor killings of their own family members.

…one that believes their tribal law should trump the laws of the nation that protects them with hate crime laws.

…one that promotes the ownership of women by men and the genital mutilation of young girls.

We are living in a SICK WORLD!


Im as flummoxed as you Asaratis.

We are living in a sick world

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The woman’s neck/throat muscle shows she is not human.

Because Western governments are just a veneer, while we the masses concern ourselves with their day to day bullshit we don’t give attention to who is really in control. Islam has been the perfect bogey man to break the whole of Western civilisation. Don’t get me wrong I’m no fan of islam and I think my views on it are well documented here but when it was confined to the Middle East and Africa in all honesty I didn’t give a shit about their behaviour. My thinking was let them get on with it. But now it is in the West and obviously orchestrated surely we should see that this bunch of knuckle draggers haven’t planned or financed this invasion themselves…


And of course all this bullshit added to the mix.

I was thinking that any lawmaker in a free country that voted for such ironic hate crime bills was paid to do so.


Clearly, he is a threat to public safety and must therefore, be forcibly separated from civilized society.

That’s what happens when you have no Bill of Rights to protect you from your government.

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IMO nothing clear in that piece to say he is a threat to public safety. The so called civilised society are the threat to public safety, blocking most things that criticise much of the bullshit that is being forced upon as “normal”.

Maybe the sarcasm would have been clear had I included an emoji. :wink:

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