Global Ramifications of the New Zealand Mosque Shootings

And the disappearing shell casings around the 9 minute mark ? I haven’t heard of any analysis of this through the usual mainstream sources.

Perhaps that is why the video has been removed from some social media.

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It appears there’s already a large hole in the windshield at that point.

Nothing is disappearing, they are ejecting normally. If you’re talking about those that are ejecting towards the white plaster they are deflecting off of it.

Classic ■■■ hating bullshit from the same “quality” sources.

If you mean me, im still here. Life happens, and i can’t respond to your hateful bs everyday

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That’s rich. more characters.

You know I love you guys. I wouldnt still be here otherwise!

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I guess if one is stuck on going full retard reality isn’t much of a deterrent.

WTF are you talking about ? Do you see the casings on the floor in that clip ?

Queequeg… as Ishmael described him in the book.

however, he turned round—when, good heavens! what a sight! Such a face! It was of a dark, purplish, yellow colour, here and there stuck over with large blackish looking squares. Yes, it’s just as I thought, he’s a terrible bedfellow; he’s been in a fight, got dreadfully cut, and here he is, just from the surgeon. But at that moment he chanced to turn his face so towards the light, that I plainly saw they could not be sticking-plasters at all, those black squares on his cheeks. They were stains of some sort or other.

There was no hair on his head—none to speak of at least—nothing but a small scalp-knot twisted up on his forehead. His bald purplish head now looked for all the world like a mildewed skull. Had not the stranger stood between me and the door, I would have bolted out of it quicker than ever I bolted a dinner.

Meanwhile, he continued the business of undressing, and at last showed his chest and arms. As I live, these covered parts of him were checkered with the same squares as his face; his back, too, was all over the same dark squares; he seemed to have been in a Thirty Years’ War, and just escaped from it with a sticking-plaster shirt. Still more, his very legs were marked, as if a parcel of dark green frogs were running up the trunks of young palms. It was now quite plain that he must be some abominable savage or other shipped aboard of a whaleman in the South Seas, and so landed in this Christian country. I quaked to think of it. A peddler of heads too—perhaps the heads of his own brothers. He might take a fancy to mine—heavens! look at that tomahawk

It is easy to confuse the two… in more ways than one :wink:

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Max Igans vid has been deleted - watch this before it goes too

please share what? that she is a moron?

In the original video as aired at the time I certainly did. Someone has manipulated the video you provided to further their own conspiracy theory and you’re lapping it up like mother’s milk.