Glad you are back online

Miss you , why do you get dumped every year . Is it more demoRAT plotting and censorship ?

They never answer they are to elite to let us know

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We just constantly get our server shut down. It’s always a technical “mystery” as to how it happens. It takes a lot of work to bring things back up.


Too bad you can’t buy your own physical server.

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That’s the problem overall. The left wants us to build our own internet. Screw them. They don’t own this space and I commend this group for constantly getting this site back online. No easy task I’m sure.


Anything we can do to help?

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How are @KVN and @Patriot doing?


Yes. Elites run this place. :ok_hand:

I think smaller sites will gain in popularity once again. Elon Musk has been doing a great job of exposing sites like Twitter for primarily being bot farms. That’s the case with most larger sites…now that it has been officially exposed investors and advertisers will lose confidence and users will be pissed and seek alternatives.

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Thanks for reaching out.

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Even if that were true, Google would block any smaller sites from search results.

Yeah. Sitting in my run down two bedroom house that I bought in cash from detailing cars for a used car dealership for three years really puts me in the same boat as the Rothschilds and Soros.

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Google is already doing that. Same with the vast majority of the smaller search engines.

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At least you aren’t a cucked wage slave whose sole purpose in life is to generate shekels for Shlomo and his friends.

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Seriously, thanks for doing what you do and keeping this place running. Thanks to Kelly and Patriot, too. This is a unique forum, I appreciate it.


Agreed. Largely drama free. Good content.

You are doing better than most.