Giant Asian ' hornets invade the US and are spreading rapidly

Coyote Peterson to the rescue

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I’m sure the hornets are going to test positive for the coronavirus.

This is pretty disturbing to watch! These things can kill a mouse!

I played rugby, and the only sport worse is armed combat.

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I found that… disturbing.

Trust in God. Nature always seems to provide a solution.

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Are those native to the continental US?

They’ve come thru Canada to Washington State. Origin is from remote area on a Japanese island.

I meant that sort of praying mantis, not the hornet.

I wonder if there is a plan to introduce the Japanese honey bee to combat these predators?

Me too! It just goes to show just how dangerous these things can be to the ecosystem if allowed to continue populating in North America.

We do have a similar, more defense breed of honey bees in the southern US:

Couldn’t say for sure but the praying mantis looks similar with the ones in my back yard. I live in the mid atlantic region with a temperate climate.

Yes I saw this earlier in this thread, but more to the point these same bees operate in a different climate as opposed to the Japanese species which is more suited for the Northern climate.

German reporter goes to Japan to see how an experienced catcher deals with the hornets.
Ideally, there’s electricity so that he can simply suck them into a vacuum cleaner.
One of his tricks not to be stung is to stay calm and not to move.

This is from 2013 but good gawds, look at the holes the sting leaves. This person had to be in a massive amount of pain :flushed:

I hang mantis egg cases all over my garden.


Here the brave soul that got stung “live”, for your educational curiosity

Wouldnt they prey on the bees as equally as well?

Pretty much prey much prey on anything they can grab. I knew a sailor in Vietnam who was bitten by one of these. image Incredibly aggressive. Giant centipede. About 8 inches in length.