Georgetown University students vote to pay $27 per-semester fee for slavery i.e. Of Throwing Their Parents Money Down a Rat Hole

Mental retardation is a side effect of institutional brainwashing.

Georgetown University students have voted to pay a $27 (£20) per semester fee in reparations to the descendants of slaves sold by the elite institution in the 1800s.

The ‘Reconciliation Contribution’ fee would create one of the first reparation funds of its kind in the US and provide money for the education of the slaves’ descendants.

The creation of the fund was approved in a student referendum run by the Georgetown University Student Association (GUSA) with 2,541 voting in favour of the measure while 1,304 opposed it.

It would levy a $27 fee on students each semester to create a fund for the descendants of 272 slaves sold by the university’s Jesuit founders in 1838 to pay off debt.

If they succeed in getting the fund created, it would raise more than $400,000 (£306,000) in its first year, based on the university’s current undergraduate enrollment figures.

The money would be administered by a board made up of students and descendants of the university’s slaves to provide money for the education of descendants and health care initiatives.

The fee would be added on to an already high academic bill, which is around $54,000 (£41,000) a year in tuition and fees for undergraduate students. Room and board costs average an additional $16,500 (£12,600), bringing the yearly cost of attendance to more than $70,000 (£53,500).

However the results are not binding on the university, which was founded by Jesuits in 1789 and is located in the leafy Georgetown neighbourhood of Washington DC.

Todd Olson, the school’s vice president for student affairs, said the university “values the engagement of our students.”

“Our students are contributing to an important national conversation and we share their commitment to addressing Georgetown’s history with slavery,” Mr Olson said in a statement.

“We understand that the goals of the student referendum are to honor the 272 enslaved individuals sold by the Maryland Jesuits in 1838”.

“There are many approaches that enable our community to respond to the legacies of slavery,” he said.

“This student referendum provides valuable insight into student perspectives and will help guide our continued engagement with students, faculty and staff, members of the descendant community, and the Society of Jesus,” he added.

The move comes as Democratic presidential candidates debate whether the US should provide compensation to the descendants of African-American slaves.

Barack Obama, America’s first African-American president, and 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton did not support the idea.

But several 2020 Democratic hopefuls, including senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, have said they would sign a reparations bill if elected president.

“Georgetown Students Vote Overwhelmingly In Favor Of Throwing Their Parents Money Down a Rat Hole”.

There, fixed.

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Let those who voted to pay, do the paying. Let those who voted not to pay, refrain from paying. A simple solution, not even requiring government to accomplish. That is why it would never be adopted.

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The New Clown World Order strikes again. HonkHonk


Im sure some of the parents are thrilled seeing this?

How many of them are regretting having kids let alone sending them to Georgetown

If the parents of these snowflakes thinks the cost of education is expensive, wait until they see how much stupidity costs

Someone needs to tell Georgetown that reparations have BEEN paid, to the tune of $50 BILLION annually. We are actually owed a REFUND!!


I am all for reparations. The families who ran the slave trade and who are still living off the fortunes from the trade, should be the only ones who pay. That would mean most ■■■■■■ fortunes and the traitorous Royal families of Europe.

Time to pay up ■■■■ and Royals. The bill is due.

While we are at it, us Whites who were the victims of this trade also need our reparations.

Ah, for which slaves? I’m curiobus. I mean, there have been so many cultures who have endured slavery over 1,000s of years. Is this for blacks who had ancestors who were sold into slavery to Arab - Muslim slavers by ( so called ) black kings. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Or could it be for the descendants of these slaves? [

The Irish Slave Trade – The Forgotten “White” Slaves - Global Research


That’s a good point too. The white people that settled and built America were by and large not slaveholders. Charted companies owned by the Royals and independent companies directly owned by ■■■■ or funded by banks controlled by ■■■■ are responsible and should pay up.

This is a test case for what’s coming…which is literally just a call for enslaving whites with unending wealth transfer. The same people who brushed off SJWs a decade ago with the tranny stuff will do it again with this …so who knows how bad this will end up.

The vast majority of those who were enslaved and transported in the transatlantic slave trade were people from central and western Africa, who had been sold by “other” West Africans to Arab slavers, who then transported them to West Coast African slave markets. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not have all the information; but it does appear many slave ships ( certainly not all ) were owned by ■■■■■ Anyone who profits from human misery should be considered subhuman.

Or just ask zuckerbook to pay for the reparations for the slave trade going on rn on their site

What a joke ask kids who don’t pay the bill instead of the parents footing the bill.