WATCH: School Board Squirms As Mom Reads Them The Gay Porn In Books Available To Students
A Virginia mom found that books graphically depicting pedophilia were in her child’s school as part of its commitment to diversity and inclusion — so she read from them, verbatim, to the school board.
The school board’s reaction was ironic: It silenced her, citing that there were children in the room.
“After seeing a September 9th school board meeting in Texas on pornography in schools, I decided to check the titles at my child’s high school, Fairfax High School. The books were available, and we checked them out. Both of these books include pedophilia, sex between men and boys,” Stacy Langton said, holding two books. “The illustrations include fellatio, sex toys, masturbation, and violent nudity.”
Then she read from them:
I’m not going to continue, since the quotes are a bit raunchy and kinda sickening.
Any parent who sends his/her child to this school is guilty of child abuse.
Every single taxpaying adult has a duty and obligation to start attending these school board meeting and making noise. Let these little tyrants know that there are consequences for their actions.
School boards are evil. A high school principal told a mother that the school board had received messages from parents accusing her of being a drug dealer and a prostitute. She knew the accusations were false, but still had to endure the humiliation of her daughter having to hear the lies told about her. The mother went to set the record straight with the school board and the police came to investigate the drug-related claims. The mother was so panicked that she went into labor. She was so traumatized by the police that her son was stillborn. The local newspaper refused to run articles about both incidents.
Well, THREE’S a deep pocket slander suit just WAITING to be filed. That county could wind up being on the hook for millions of dollars in a wrongful death suit.
“Lots of people on the Left are telling me that I shouldn’t inject myself into controversies in Loudoun County because I’m an outsider,” Walsh posted to Twitter. “Funny. You never hear them say that about outsiders protesting abortion laws in Texas. It’s almost like these people are totally full of shit.” -Matt Walsh
It is a known fact that both Israelis and Arabs are considered Semites, for some odd reason.
I’m still scratching my head as to what those of the ■■■■■■ faith have to do with problem public schools.
I don’t think the porn books are written by ■■■■■ Truthfully, in all the time I’ve worked in Florida public schools I can’t saw for sure that I’ve ever even run into a ■■■■■■ teacher or principal.
By the way, is the word J-E-W a racist slur? Why is the word being instantly censored out here? It’s not like I was using the N word.