Gay Pied Pipers of “Polymorphous Perversity” Penetrate Schools


The principal expressed in Romans 1:18-32 is at work in their lives. Individuals may not be reprobate and may still be able to repent, but if someone is so far gone that they act as agents of corrupting children I’m pessimistic they ever would.

It would be better for them to do the whole voluntary millstone hung from neck and drowning bit than do what they’re doing.


“Do not forget that these people
want you broke, dead, your kids
raped and brainwashed, and they
think it’s funny.” -Sam Hyde

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For perversion to be normalized, all but the youngest must be perverted. The age of innocence decreases with each generation. Once the parents are perverted, then follow the children.


I’m not familiar with that quote … did he say it about the homosexuals, the Muslims or someone else?

The anti-White progressives.

Alliterating activists attacking licentious liberal louts gets me righteously roused and religiously rambunctious!

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Men do not find peace,
If allelujahs do cease,
But rancor increase.
