From A Nurse In Germany

Well I’ve already made clear that I was raised a Christian and am now an atheist. So if you want to debate, fine, just get it right.

What is WRONG with you? How many Seals have a 73 year old man charging the enemy?

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All over conservative media you see people trembling like a quaking aspen with angst over conspiratorial notions that Muslims are going to take over America…:roll_eyes:

Is that the story you are going to stick with?

You aren’t going to change the details a few posts from now, or in a different thread tomorrow or something, are you?


How did that word ‘try’ get snuck in there???

Yes, because the secret documents were found which detail the plan to do it.



Correct, and they’re NOT here. You can get another beer and watch an I love Lucy rerun with complete abandon.

That’s fair game. You can insult Trump all you want, I won’t even respond. It’s calling that Navy seal a piece of shit that got me on the warpath. Those guys go thru hell, for us.

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Spoken like a true Islamist.

So tell us, how many Muslims did it take to carry out the 9/11 attacks?

Then, with a reminder that the attacking or invading force is ALWAYS a fraction of the population of the country or society being conquered, how many Islamists are here now?

And how many are needed to make America continue the slow slide to voting in Sharia law or Muslim leaders when we just one day say, “Screw it, let em run things. It cant be any worse than who we have been electing so far.”


The magic words.

Actually it was the words “try to” that got added.

…“try to sin no more” is highly more likely to be accomplished than is “sin no more”.

No human can refrain totally from sinning.

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Well, no fault of the front line soldiers, but the wars they’re fighting are hardly for us.

Yeah, I’m not keen on them, either. Guys get elected, and we’re stuck with it.

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Conservative media?
There’s nothing but liberal media in America.

Supposedly there’s a “vast right-wing conspiracy” according to her.

As for the existence of Muslims in Christian countries, particularly in Germany, there were brought there so that hatred against them will grow.

Because we are human, not divine; and we often fail. It’s all about trying your best in life. Life is a struggle. Even Christ called out for the load to be taken from His shoulders; and He was Christ.

I wasn’t referring to news…:man_shrugging:

It doesn’t matter, the ‘good teacher’ said to go and sin no more. There was no wiggle room for trying.

Sorry, Christ preached forgiveness; and if sinners walked the line, that would not be necessary. I’m sure Christ knew, life was a hard road; and the human foible was one of the bumps in it.

Nothing to be sorry for. But if your going to quote him, you should quote him…:man_shrugging:

OK, go and sin no more; but I’m sure Christ knew humanity had faults. If not, why would He have given Himself up for us. If we weren’t sinners, well

Cite one which was not for us.

What do you think would have happened to the USA if Saddam had nuked Tel Aviv?