From A Nurse In Germany

There are many Christians; but I’ve seen few if any behaving like this. Not even the most zealot of Christians. List of Attacks
Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

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Bingo. Why we have the New Testament. It’s called religion gaining sane ground. Well, some religions.

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I heard about the nurse and I never bothered to look into this thread.

I specify here that I’m responding to @Jimsouth because I’m tired of being accused falsely that I deliberately “derail” threads.

The ultimate purpose of religion is to prevent humanity from ever reaching an agreement.

That’s my take and I’m sticking to it.

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What I said. I hold by the basic teachings of Christ & the Buddha. Do no harm in My Name - - - - - - Go & try to sin no more. That alone is a hard road to navigate through life. Keep it simple & direct.

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I don’t know what that means or how you think you make rules here or anywhere.

And doctrines are wide and varied. How many hundreds of Christian denominations are there right here in America with their varying doctrines…

And I didn’t malign him, I said I don’t care what his opinions on Muslims may be.

Ben Shapiro…:rofl:

Yeah, I don’t give a RA what he has to say either.

And here I thought you knew everything.

My bad.

Typical Muslim…


That cannot be said about anybody. Strange assumption. :man_shrugging:

Im convinced you simply lack the ability of self awareness.

Otherwise, how can you regularly post one thing and contradict it a post or two later in the same thread?

Or are you testing me to see if I would catch it and rub your nose in it?

So to speak.


Well it was inevitable that you’d wind up engaging via personal insults. :roll_eyes:

When in America learn the American forms of good natured kidding lest you stand out in contrast as being, “different.”

But Muslims are taught that they are HIGHER in priority and more important than anyone else, right?

O Muslims, you are the best people…something like that, right?


Muslim Males have no peers and they can beat the wives if they get out of line.


Yeah, but go figure eternity living with a nagging harem. :flushed:

Crap, I am a female but I wouldn’t even wish that on someone. :rofl:

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Nice excuse for a lack of forum etiquette. I don’t personally insult you and you won’t personally insult me.

Spending eternity with this?


It is worse than that. If “extreme activities” are to be performed in the cause of Jihad it is the duty of all Moslems to assist, and those not actively involved in the “extreme activities” should pay to support and provide for those who are involved.

Therefore there is no distinction.

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Good Gawds…As a female, that would be true hell. :rofl: :flushed: :grimacing:

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