French President Macron Arrives at the White House and is Snubbed by President Trump

Macron is in some serious trouble which is why he thought he could arrive hat in hand. The reality is Macron is a weaseling snake who plays both sides and thus is being spurned because his reign is coming to an end soon.

These are dark times for France and the EU.

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His “wife” is a transgender. That’s bad enough. I even heard “she” is Macron’s biological father.

Sick people.

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Its hard to refute that, and the term “sick people” seems to have permeated politics and positions of power at every turn in the modern era. How did we become such an abomination to God?

By choice? After all… we do have free will.

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No doubt about that.

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France deserves what it tolerates!

Sick like most liberal turds .

Thinking men?
Or ape men?


Technology is making it that we are devolving as a species.


Right. We’re losing the ability to think. Or maybe abandoning the ability to think.

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I hardly think they can think sheep rarely do , just ask DBENO , :joy:

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