I might have to catch the YouTube highlights just to check her out!
Yeah - that was pure cringe. Butt pirate has no idea what he’s talking about. Want to to about the Afghans we train over there? 3/4 of them would put a bullet in the back of the head of every American soldier in close proximity to them if they could get away with it. He’s wrong. Tulsi nailed it.
Don’t these idiots understand that these Kurds aren’t the same Kurds that helped us?
Fuckin a right brother. Buttigieg was lying his ass off about ANA and 'janitors" happily forfeiting their lives for the US military, ANA shoots us in the back at every opportunity. Nobody who’s been to Afghanistan has an ounce of trust for them. The flag is a target, not a shield. Does he even have a combat badge? Pussy ■■■■
Do you think she would show boobs if elected?
Beto can’t stop riding the El Paso wave. He invokes that shit like anyone still cares.
You just heard it, Beto is going to use the police to come take your guns. Don’t lick their boots.
Booker is flailing. He wasn’t expecting to be called on. Brings up assault rifles killing someone on his street - fails to realize that those are banned in NJ
I’m sick of all these women sounding like they’re on the verge of tears.
Decriminalizing opioids? WTF are these people talking about?
I like that they are going down the road of geriatrics. Tulsi classed it up though.
Tulsi calls out Warren on foreign policy experience they immediately cut to commercial break
What a shock.
The media are traitors to this country.
Yeah! ThT didn’t take long did it?
Kamala is going in for the kill on Warren.
She’s trying to, using Trump’s Twitter account lol.
The baby isn’t your body you stupid twat. I hate these abortion loving freaks.
"I want to kill babies, vote for me…also “our kids are dying give up your guns” they never detect the absolute irony.