Moore was named by fellow NIH staff as the ‘FOIA lady’ who taught others how to ‘make emails disappear’
Will the mighty FBI send a swat team to her house at 3 am ??
Any government employee or agency, not committing a crime or misconduct should be able to produce any material on a government system with no issues. Unless there is a crime or misconduct. Funny, the FBI and prosecutors will say to courts and juries that clearly someone is hiding something if they plead the 5th or show signs of cover or deletion, yet when government employees do it, it’s "they have a right to privacy and enjoy special security
Fauci was able to accurately predict that Trump was going to face a pandemic during his presidency. How else would he know that unless he was involved with the fabrication and release of the agent that caused it.
There’s only one reason to hide the facts. Corruption. This is the same government experts that searched Hillary Clinton’s devices (that were destroyed) or her stored files at Platt River networks that were destroyed using bleachbit? The FBI examined the files at Platt river and pronounced the files unrecoverable and then issued immunity to all concerned .
They shut down the country and millions of people suffered for it and no one has been held accountable. I think we’ve had enough of Democrat leadership. Trillions of taxpayer dollars were spent on the Covid Global “Pandemic”. You would think the NIH would have demanded an investigation into the origins. Instead, they prevented it. It defies logic and common sense