First illegitimate president first illegitimate Senate is about to proceed

Funny enough, the retrumplicans had nothing to say about the mounting debt throughout the Trump administration. Now that the White House has been returned to the Democratic Party, the handwringing over the debt will begin in earnest and it will suddenly be unsustainable again…:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

This was already explained to you… yet your tds chooses to pretend you didn’t read it, even though you responded to it lol

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It’s all just so predictable…I’ve been involved in politics for a long time and republiCONS simply haven’t changed what they believe in since Reagan… that the riches of the country are to be funneled into the pockets of the rich and the big corporations through tax law for one…government should do nothing for the people…no healthcare…no education…no retirement even if we pay for it…they just want to take the money we paid for it and give it to the rich…I honestly don’t understand why the average republican doesn’t see it… because they haven’t got anything out of their party…

That demand will come with a a demand for a risk premium/ higher treat rate to purchase treasuries.

Pretty sad, the cities and states forced businesses to close trashing the bst economy this country has ever seen and still CONGRESS/both parties then began spending in rest.

Funny enough stupid hate filled idiots like monte cannot get past their hate to realize it is congress that passed the ACA requiring more Federal spending, States that closed businesses and Congress who continues to spend beyond the countries ability to tax to bail out states and cities.


Yeah, rather self defeating…:thinking:

Btw, we did NOT have the best economy ever seen. Wall Street may have done its best ever, but that is NOT Main Street.

Trump signed the biggest budget deficits in American history. Our economy is strapped to that debt , and now that democrats are back in the White House, they are going to start the handwringing again that they were silent about the whole time trump blew it up…:roll_eyes:

Yea jobs and wages were kinda the best ever

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A pile of bull shit from a shit head and the lying party retrumplicons…We have fewer jobs now than we had when trumputin entered office…The government is taking in less taxes than it did when trumputin took office because there are fewer people working and less tax is paid in…

You’re correct…the majority of people believe that Wall Street is the economy when as you say Main Street is the economy…I haven’t seen the actual total numbers of the debt trumputin caused but many believe it could be close to 10 TRILLION…that’s a unbelievable number knowing trumputin was handed a good economy from B. Obama…My bet is that some retrumpliCONS say the numbers on what the debt trumputin created is fake news…

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Hey Jitss617 I hear you stayed overtime at dr. manholes BLACK CIRCLE JERKERS CLUB this weekend cuz you brought a bottle of Tums with you to settle your stomach cuz it will be full of guess what…oh you’re nasty nasty boy aren’t you…

I was working 65 - 70 hours a week… with no end in sight. I was doing pretty well. The economy seemed to be humming along just fine. Not so much, now that the Dems brought out the cold virus to keep everyone in check.

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Imagine having a young family and your working on the pipe line. Making a living, boom it’s over. Democrats are job killers. I Guarantee we will have bread lines


Now you see it wasn’t China where Covid originated, it originated in the democratic caucus…:roll_eyes:

Let retrumplicans tell it and the democrats have outsmarted and out boxed them…:thinking:


They pretty much killed the coal industry in the US.

Why not kill oil?

Replaced by windmills and solar which are not reliable energy sources.

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The democrats do not care about you or anyone else. All they want is power to control and make that control forever.

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Ok it’s over thanks for coming 26 THOUSAND TROOPS FOR NO REASON AT ALL LOL

But they got to see over 200 flags in person. The trip paid for by the taxpayers was worth it.

Less than one quarter of the flags are American lol

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Next up the virtual parade.

So far today I received notices from Marketwatch and Medium accounts have been cancelled. 2 more to my Twitter account cancellation.

Medium my account? Uuh